Christian News By Christians, For Christians.


DarkLinks 1: Gay churches shrink, Media relying on Hateclicks, Sviatovid, and more

This is the inaugural edition of DarkLinks, so explanation is needed. The Evangelical Dark Web is a rising tide of believers that want to put aside personalities/egos. With that in mind, DarkLinks is the highlights from other websites that could be categorized under the Evangelical Dark Web umbrella.

Newsflash: Pro-Gay Churches Are Shrinking, Not Growing

by Pulpit & Pen

“The attempt to patronize to the LGBTQ community and compromise on God’s Word does not salvage churches, it savages them. It does not care for churches, it kills them. It does not prosper churches, it impoverishes them.”

Does the Leftist Media rely on hateclicks?

by Ray Fava @ NOQ Report

“A second premise I must insert is the prominence of Leftist media to publish content that seems intentionally unpopular. There are several examples to pull from. The Leftist outlets that trashed Dave Chappelle’s Sticks and Stones were ratioed hard on Twitter. Going after a comedy legend is perhaps one of the most benign examples. Social justice video clickbait farm, Now This, recently published a language policing video on “you guys” being politically incorrect and exclusive. The video was lampooned by the internet, but that video got views.”

Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Reveals Their True God, Places Pagan Deity in Sanctuary

by Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

“The Sviatovid sculpture placed in the sanctuary of a New York presbyterian church is a modern artistic rendition of an ancient Pagan god unique to Eastern Europe and was worshiped as the god of war. The sculpture, which is placed in the sanctuary of Binghampton Presbyterian Church in New York, is on display during a festival called the Luma Festival.”

Lessons that must be relearned about 9/11

by JD Rucker @ NOQ Report

“Today, there are more dangerous forces wanting to kill Americans than there were 18 years ago. Now is the time for American unity. It’s a time to remember our blessings, put politics aside, and fix our problems as One Nation Under God.”



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