Christian News By Christians, For Christians.


DarkLinks 8: Beth Moore, Kanye, & latest abortion data analysed

So this latest edition of DarkLinks is pretty important. There’s a lot going on in the world of Evangelicals. We first start off a Southern Baptist church leaving over Beth Moore, in sharp contrast towards what was written earlier this week. Then we have some troubling news on Kanye West’s alleged conversion. Lastly we have a deep dive analysis on the latest data surrounding abortions in the United States. Also Babylon Bee will be featured in DarkLinks, because they too fight back against the Prosperity Gospel among other heresies.

Large Southern Baptist Church Leaves Denomination Over Its Support of Beth Moore

By Pulpit and Pen

Another Southern Baptist Church has left the SBC over what many are calling a complete undoing of the Conservative Resurgence. Pastor Jeff Noblit of the booming Grace Life Church of the Shoals (Muscle Shoals, AL) mentioned a number of problematic issues with their denomination but said that the denomination’s support for Beth Moore’s ministry was “the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Noblitt announced to the congregation that he and the rest of the church’s elders were united in asking the church members to abandon the liberalizing denomination.


What Should You Wear To Church? A Handy Guide For Each Denomination

By Babylon Bee

Baptist—When you hit the local Baptist church, dust off your best polo shirt and slacks, like Jesus wore. Women should be sure to wear long enough skirts, lest they should cause a brother to stumble by flashing too much ankle.

Non-Denominational Megachurch—Whatever you woke up in. If it’s good enough to party in late Saturday night and crash on your couch in, it’s good enough for God. If you overdress by wearing a shirt that doesn’t show some skin or a low-key, modest outfit, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb!

Episcopalian—Wear anything you want; no one will be there to see you anyway.


Kanye West Defends Mormons, Catholics, and T.D. Jakes, Says We All Have the Same Gospel

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

There has been much hoopla in the last several weeks surrounding Kanye West and his supposed conversion to Christianity. Some of my closest friends and brothers in Christ are assuring us that he’s in good hands and calling on us to give him a chance to bear fruits. I’m all for that. I genuinely hope he is truly converted and I genuinely hope that the brothers who are watching over his soul right now don’t give up on him.

But there is a glaring problem right now that needs to be dealt with. I really don’t want to see Kanye slip away and be devoured by false teachers and a false gospel. I really don’t. But the problem is, Kanye West is still in the spotlight when he doesn’t need to be. If he is — and again, I truly hope that he is — truly a born-again believer, it’s time to step down from the self-proclaimed pulpit.



By Sarah Quale @ Personhood Alliance

By now, almost every pro-life organization in America has weighed in on the Guttmacher Institute’s latest Abortion Incidence and Service Availability Report, which examined abortion trends and rates from 2014–2017. The report indicated that 862,320 pre-born children were killed by elective abortion in 2017, a 7% drop from 2014. The abortion rate declined by 8% over the same period, to 13.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44. This rate is the lowest recorded since abortion legalization was mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973.

Pro-life organizations pointed to abortion restrictions and the public’s increasing rejection of abortion as the key drivers for these declines, while pro-abortion organizations lauded increased use of birth control as a major factor. But do the data back up these claims on either side? Let’s look beyond the headlines and consider the questions every pro-lifer should ask about this report:

  • Are these declines the result of abortion restrictions?
  • Are the declines the result of clinic closures?
  • Is this happening because more women are choosing life?
  • Could birth control really have this much of an impact?
  • Is America becoming more pro-life?
  • What trends are the data showing us, and how are we addressing them?

It’s time to dig in.




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