Christian News By Christians, For Christians.


DarkLinks 11: Marcus Hayes rejected over Social Justice Gospel concerns

Marcus Hayes appears to be the biggest story at the moment in the Evangelical world placing the focus on yet another proxy fight between the orthodox Evangelicals and those who participate in the Social Justice Gospel. Unfortunately, we do not have special connections and contacts throughout the country, but Evangelical Dark Web created DarkLinks to promote allied content, and on this issue Reformation Charlotte delivers stunning reporting. The story of a church rising up to reject an evidently awful choice of pastors only to be called racist by church leadership shows us why we need to unite against this infectious heresy.

BREAKING: Al Mohler to be Nominated as Next Southern Baptist Convention President

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

Mohler, however, does not need notoriety as he is arguably already the most influential Southern Baptist today. Currently, Mohler serves as president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he was instated as part of the “conservative resurgence” decades ago.

This may come as a shock to some, but Mohler is no conservative. To be fair, he isn’t a liberal either. He is a moderate — at least on the political spectrum. Theologically speaking, he tends to be on his game when it comes to the essential issues of doctrine and faith. However, Mohler has continually supported, promoted, and platformed both theological and political liberals under his watch.


Leaked Emails Show That FBC Naples’ Members Had Serious Concerns About Marcus Hayes’ Biblical Qualifications

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

Now, after being contacted by several members of the church who voted “no” to Hayes as lead pastor, Reformation Charlotte now has copies of the emails sent to members of the church by the concerned party prior to the vote that detail the concerns of these members — and these concerns are VERY legitimate.


BREAKING: FBC Naples Insider Speaks Out About Alleged Racism and Unbiblical Excommunications at FBC Naples.

By Seth Dunn @ Pulpit & Pen

Now, church members who have been removed from membership over their opposition to the appointment of Marcus Hayes are in fear that they may be unable to witness their children graduate.  Church leadership has told excommunicated church members that public response to their situation will result in a restraining order banning them from First Baptist Academy related activities.  To make matters worse, FBC Naples is implementing church discipline procedures which are in direct violation to those set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18.  Rather than bringing members who are accused of sin before the church body for examination, members are being removed from the church rolls through actions taken directly by deacons and pastoral staff without a vote of the church body.


Was Marcus Hayes a Back-Alley Deal Between the SBC and the Apparently Criminal Cabal That Runs FBC Naples?

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

Should we be concerned that the Southern Baptist Convention appears to be officially supporting a local church’s candidate? Yes. Is this a conflict of interest? Yes. Was there a back-alley deal to install a pro-social justice pastor candidate into one of the largest Southern Baptist mega-churches in the area? We can’t say for sure, but the history of corruption within the Southern Baptist Convention and a concerted effort to remove conservatives from prominent positions and replace them with woke, social justice warriors appears to be par for the course for this denomination.


Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record

By Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—In an inspiring story from the world of professional cycling, a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.


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