The saga of Marcus Hayes and FBC Naples continues to escalate in all sorts of negative directions. This edition of DarkLinks featured an open letter to the church. In this open letter, the statement that Evangelical Dark Web publications are the real Baptist press caught my attention. The Southern Baptist Convention is a bit of a focus here at Evangelical Dark Web. It seems as though anyone can say that Al Mohler did right in regards to Wes Felter, but calling out the down right sinful behavior of FBC Naples has far fewer voices. The Evangelical Dark Web would love nothing more than to stand with the faithful dissenters at FBC Naples who opposed the Social Justice Gospel in their congregation.
An Open Letter to Members of FBC Naples
By Pulpit & Pen
Please know, beloved members at FBC Naples, that what’s happening at your church is not a phenomenon. It’s happening across the denomination and in a wider sense, across the country.
First, please understand that my media team knows what’s happening at FBC Naples. I know how key figures like JD Edie, Neil Dorrill, Troy Boone, Dan Collier, the church’s legal team, Holland and Knight, and so many others play into this sad scenario.
We are aware of the torrid past of some of these men, shady real estate deals some are still involved in, their suspect character, and the reason why so many do not trust them to make decisions regarding your pastoral search. We are also prepared to publish here-to-fore confidential and damning information to protect your church body should these men become more persecutory of the flock of God. Protecting innocent Christians is just something we do.
We have seen all the documents, emails, transcripts, and notes relating to the attempted hiring of Marcus Hayes as your pastor. We are aware of every pertinent detail because the great many of your fellow church members brought us this information because we are their voice. Together with the Capstone Report and Reformation Charlotte, news sites like theirs and Pulpit & Pen are the real Baptist Press. We are your voice.
[emphasis from EDW]
BREAKING: FBC Naples sics lawyers on dissenting church members
By Capstone Report
A Florida church that is facing a huge budget shortfall and discord over the choice of its next senior pastor has hired a high-priced law firm to bully church members and former members, according to sources close to the church who are familiar with the legal maneuvers. Cease and desist letters directed toward persons church leadership believes were against the choice for the new senior pastor are one option already used by the church against dissenters. (For background: What You Need to Know About the First Baptist Naples Crisis.)
7-Year-Old Whose Mom Tried to Force “Gender Transition” on Him Chooses to Attend School as a Boy Afterall
By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte
If you’ve been following the story of 7-year-old James Younger whose mom wanted to force him into a medical gender “transition” by giving him puberty blockers against the boy’s father’s will, you may not yet be aware that the boy has decided to attend school as, well, a boy.
10 Qualities Of A Modern Proverbs 31 Woman
Babylon Bee (sponsored content)
5) She cares for her husband as though he’s dying when he’s really just got the sniffles. When he’s out for the count with a minor cold, she just goes ahead and humors him.
7) Her Pinterest boards are full of great home improvement ideas she’ll definitely get to one day. She’s constantly pinning ideas for things like a new wall of crosses, a gorgeous wrap-around deck, and a coffee bar. She doesn’t carry these ideas out, mind you, but she definitely will one day.
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