Christian News By Christians, For Christians.


DarkLinks 17: Learning from Methodists, Al Mohler, KSP & Chick-Fil-A

This edition of DarkLinks has no theme because there are a lot of things going on and this touches up on a few of them. First we have the Paige Patterson using the United Methodist Church as an object lesson for Southern Baptists. This article is well timed after I penned my “One does not simply ignore the Bible on a singular issue” piece which also cited the Methodists. For the pioneer of the Conservative Resurgence to write something that upholds what I wrote is quite the complement. Next we have our friends at Capstone Report discussing Al Mohler for President of the SBC. Then we get more answers to Chick-Fil-A caving to the homosexual lobby. Our fourth DarkLink addresses Karen Swallow Prior. Admittedly, we have been silent on this issue, and we owe it to our audience to take a stand. In the course of doing our own research, others have brought about evidence for assessment. She seems like a bit of a Beth Moore character, except she tactically chooses opportunities to address criticism, which I suppose makes her not as bad. Nonetheless she does not pretend to be theologically orthodox like Moore, and accusations against her are about direct error. Perhaps we should feature her on our discernment page.


Can Baptists Learn Anything from Methodists?

By Paige Patterson

In 1995, Dr. Thomas Oden, prolific author and Professor of Theology and Ethics at Drew University for more than thirty years, penned a fascinating but unfortunately little-read volume called Requiem: A Lament in Three Movements. Requiem is a delightful, educational, and melancholy lament of the demise of New Testament Christianity in Methodist seminaries. If ever there were an extra-biblical book Baptists need to engage, Requiem, with its recitation of the Methodist story, is that volume since it prophesies the future for Baptists. And who says theology is dreary? Oden had the capacity to bring even the Methodist corpse to life.

Now Methodists, according to the November 22 issue of theUSA Today, have come to the grueling climax of the long LGBTQ debate, which according to all appearances will divide the Methodist church. Even many Methodists are predicting a division of the Methodist church precisely as predicted by Thomas Oden.


Al Mohler is not fit to be SBC President

By Capstone Report

Al Mohler has a history of this. He says one thing and does another.

He doesn’t like Critical Race Theory. He says it is Identity Politics and will destroy the United States and the Church.

Yet, he employs as Provost at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Matthew J. Hall. Hall claims all white people are infected with racism because of the systemic racism present in North America and our natural sin problem.


Chick-fil-A Foundation’s Executive Director Donated to Obama and Clinton Campaigns

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

The executive director of the Chick-fil-A foundation that is in charge of deciding where its charitable contributions goes is a far-left Democrat — Rodney Bullard. Bullard, in 2016, donated $1,000.00 to Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign and in prior years, Bullard donated at least $1,000.00 to Barack Obama.


SEBTS Professor, Karen Swallow Prior, Has Continued to Endorse Revoice. Here’s Video.

By Pulpit & Pen

Prior merely referred to the [Revoice] conference as problematic and disagreed with some of it (the same could be said for any Southern Baptist speaking of an annual convention meeting)…however, she “still supports its mission” and affirms them as “Christians.”


Chick-Fil-A Replaces Cow Mascot With Golden Calf

By Babylon Bee


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