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Beth Moore claims that conservative Evangelicalism died in 2016 (because of Trump)

When Mark Galli penned his article for Trump’s removal, Beth Moore was among the Big Eva elites praising it. Since then a number of Evangelical Dark Web publications have published their responses. The latest response to garner attention comes from the Christian Post written by John Grano and Richard Land. The post itself can be read here.

They begin by discrediting Christianity Today who they claim knew that their publication would be used as a means to set a narrative that was far from reality. Grano and Land claim that Christianity Today‘s influence in evangelicalism is nonexistent. Then Grano and Land begin to paint Mark Galli as a out of touch elitist. They end with a scathing climax to which I say amen.

These are the fellow travelers that Christianity Today is clearly aligning itself with at this critical juncture in our nation’s history. CT’s op-ed does not represent evangelical Christianity today, yesterday or in the future. After all, a majority of Trump’s evangelical support has been triggered by his opponents’ advocating policies that make him appear to be, at the very least, the lesser of two evils in a binary contest.

CT’s disdainful, dismissive, elitist posture toward their fellow Christians may well do far more long-term damage to American Christianity and its witness than any current prudential support for President Trump will ever cause.

This is a fair representation of Mark Galli’s words. I say as much in my own critique.

In the past, I wrote about being political but not partisan, as Christians. It’s not an issue of orthopraxy to want to remove Trump. It’s purely partisan, and Mark Galli is claiming to be some sort of vicar of Christ by saying that our loyalty to God is measured by whether or not we support removal. There is no scripture; no game-planning of what happens if Trump is removed; and no charity to those who do not believe the impeachment charges are substantive. There is, however, shaming opponents, virtue signaling to the world, and using a dead man’s name erroneously and disrespectfully. Mark Galli’s argument is “Orange Man Bad” and nothing else.

Beth Moore seems to side with the elitist like Mark Galli after further debate.

Evangelicalism as we knew it, as imperfect as it was because we are imperfect, passed away in 2016. History will plant its grave marker there. A disclaimer is always necessary these days so I’ll add this: This, of course, is not to say conservative Christianity passed away.

Evangelicalism has been under attack since 2016, from within. If this is a chess match, Beth Moore might as well be a queen within the Social Justice Gospel‘s onslaught within the Southern Baptist Convention. Since 2016, she has actively gone off the deep end with virtue signalling and embracing social justice causes.

For Beth Moore to presuppose that she is on the side of orthodoxy when she is part of the Pharisaical elites shows either incredible lack of self awareness or contempt. After all, she did scrub biblical sexuality from her books to prevent offending the world. She does consistently call the brethren racist. This is why we have a Beth Moore page in our Discernment page so that evidence of these actions can be compiled so that false or bad teachers can be rooted out of the church.

Final Thoughts

I want to leave you with a final question to ponder. In 2018, I wrote about the state of American Christianity. I ultimately conclude that while things are not as bad as they’ve always been, the trajectory could go either way. Things have changed since 2016, no doubt? But have the laity changed or just the attitudes of the Evangelical elite?


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