In the spirit of transparency and accountability, we like to report to our faithful viewers the progress made in the last month. December was a busy month with Christmas and much was going on the the world of Evangelicalism. December 2019 was our best month ever! It met the growth goals of the month in addition to setting site records.
Quick Stats
- Most Viewed Page (other than home): About
- Countries with the most visits
- Australia
- Canada
- Post with the most views: By What Standard documentary review
Setbacks and Feats
The best month ever is another step in the right direction. We were able to get our message out there in December which was a busy month in the world of Evangelicalism. We went to bat for Dr. Robert Lopez who was fired from SWBTS for sharing his testimony. Then our review got the attention of Tom Ascol! The month slowed down to where the mission of Christianity Today were called in question. Our setbacks were we were not able to do a bunch of the things we said we were going to do.
Discernment Update
At the beginning of the month, we published a discernment verdict on Brian Houston of Hillsong, since we have a sizable Australian audience. He is the biggest name in Evangelicalism worldwide, perhaps. We followed this whale of a figure with a the lesser known Rachel Gilson who is instrumental in leading Cru astray. These are generally the types of people we want to identify. Discernment Verdicts are hard to start because of the thoughtfulness and scriptural research involved. January should see hopefully more than two verdicts. In my last report a more personal verdict was promised, but I had none came to pass. It must be said, so that it does not appear to be a broken promise, that this was because my fears of a certain individual were unrealized, for the time being.
What’s Coming Up?
The new year brings new goal. Let’s start with that that did not happen but will.
Additionally, we will be publishing a statement of faith. We aren’t going to reinvent the wheel on this one. We are going to start with the statement of faith of Got Questions and tweak it from there.
On our last months report, we stated that November would feature theses updates:
One thing we want to explain later this month are Christianity’s Proxy Issues. This will be an add on to our differentiation between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary issues
So, this totals about three webpages to write. Expect the Statement of faith to come first.
Additionally, we are planning on creating an article submission page. The content we received on Bill Hybels was excellent and we wish to be able to platform more quality content. And if anyone wants to join as a regular contributor, that will also be welcomed.
Lastly We ask that you follow our social media accounts. Our Twitter and Youtube
That’s all we have to report for the month of December, 2019. We will likely do a quick update in the days to come to let you know about our new pages.
Soli Deo Gloria,