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Polyamory isn’t pursued for noble reasons

It has been said, that polyamory is the next frontier for Biblical sexuality to confront. Though, currently transgenderism and its best friend, pedophilia, are a more omnipresent fight, at least in America, it would not be unwise for pastors to equip themselves to fight the rise of orgy relationship known by the flowery title polyamory. However in an article that garnered much attention highlighting the issue, we saw how Christians should not approach the sexual preference.

Last week, I responded briefly to Preston Sprinkles article on the topic. However, the next frontier of the sexual deconstruction of society merits deeper discussion. The paragraph in the article that drew the most scrutiny was as follows

Another important pastoral step is to distinguish elements of polyamory that are in violation of God’s will from elements that are simply culturally unfamiliar to us. When we want to lovingly call people to repentance, we should be precise about what needs repentance and what relationships or elements can and should be sanctified in Christ. For example, the notion of kinship in polyamory is a secular echo of the way Scripture calls the church to function as a new family. In cultures that idolize individualism (but actually isolate individuals), polyamory’s focus on relationship, care, and affection can have a powerful pull. And in churches that idolize marriage and the nuclear family, polyamory’s focus on hospitality and community can be an attractive alternative. We can acknowledge that many of the elements that draw people to polyamory—deep relationships, care for others, hospitality, and community—are good things.

There are several theological errors present in this concession to sin. At this point, it is important to note that Preston Sprinkle was an adviser to the homosexual Revoice Conference, that sought to legitimize homosexuality as an acceptable identity for Christians. So the author has a history of trying to subvert Biblical sexuality. Moreover, it should come as no surprise he is published in Christianity Today.

Problem 1: Why we sin

Sprinkle’s assumption is that we sin because we seek that which is good however misguided we are. But this is not why Adam and Eve first sinned. They first sinned because they wanted to be like God. There motives were not good, they were rebellious. We could use example after example in Scripture. David didn’t pursue Bathsheba because he was lonely and without a helper. He desired her when he saw her naked one day.

The Bible says in Jeremiah 17.

9“The heart is more deceitful than all else

And is desperately sick;

Who can understand it?

The heart will come up with many motives for the sins we commit but this cannot escape the truth or the righteousness of God. Polyamory is no different. There was a viral story about a polyamory relationship meant to glorify it that received due ridicule.

In this video, if you do not recall the story, there is one girl with four boyfriends, and she’s pregnant. It certainly an ego boost to have four guys want you, so we can plainly see the sexual perversion of the girl in this situation. But the four guys on the otherhand. There is no nice way to say this: there isn’t an ounce of testosterone in that entire household. She found four masculine boys who can shave so desperate for fortification they would sacrifice every shred of dignity for affection when they’re not playing Fortnite. There is no noble pursuit here. This is a desperate and lazy attempt to achieve orgasm and companionship. The bible tells us “It is not good for man to be alone” but just because we sinners attempt to solve a problem that God acknowledges, does not mean that we are seeking good things when we attempt to solve these problems with sin. We saw what happened when modernist movements sought to solve the earth’s problems throughout the 20th Century. It was evil regardless of good intentions, by which their hearts were deceived.

Problem 2: The false accusation of idolatry

It can be agreed that the Church has not always done well standing for marriage an biblical sexuality. However, to say that the church idolizes marriage and the nuclear family is a false charge in almost every instance, similar to how theological liberals (heretics) accuse those believing in inerrancy of bibliolatry. Marriage is a topic on which the Bible speaks so clearly. In fact much of the issues within the church with confronting sexuality, largely surround dating for which the Bible does not set a whole lot of parameters. The dogma surrounding dating within “purity culture” was far more detrimental than the positive affirmation of God’s design for marriage. Sprinkle’s logic would suggest that the church’s view on marriage would make homosexual “marriage” an appealing alternative, but since these are all sinful lifestyles, Sprinkle is essentially attributes an individual’s rejection of biblical sexuality to their own sinful choices. Is the father responsible for the Prodigal Son’s decent into a sinful stupor because of his wise instruction? How does this make sense? It’s understandable that contrarians resist trends and so the church’s emphasis on marriage may make them susceptible to temptation in a different area, but now we enter a territory where no claim can really be proven without God’s omniscience at hand. After all, the heart is deceitful, in that, it will convince you of good motives that do not exist.

Problem 3: Cycle of abuse, addiction

Though I am married, I remember what it was like to be single, to be thirsty. At no point would I have sunken as low as to join three other dudes in a neverending cuckhold, but I would pursue hopeless causes, against God’s plan for my life because I knew it was not good for man to be alone. My heart would deceive me into thinking I found “the one”, an unbiblical notion but I digress, so that I would go headfirst into a bad relationship, unequally yoked. Loneliness is dreadful. And that’s why four guys would settle for a cucked relationship with a rather unattractive woman. I cannot speak for if four woman  were in a relationship with one guy, but I’d imagine there is abuse there. Preston Sprinkle, strategically in my opinion, whitewashes the sin of these orgy relationships.

In this point, it needs to be made clear that Jesus died so that we may be set free from our sins. The power of the Holy Spirit enables us to repent of our sins so that we may find peace with God and have everlasting life. With God’s free gift, there is no need to settle for the deceptive allure of sin.


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