Every month, we like to report our progress to our readers in an effort of transparency. This is also a chance for us to announce upcoming features and news. March saw impovement from February especially with Google search traffic in which we were able to provide discerning minds information on individuals they were searching for.
Quick Stats
- Countries with the most visits:
- Canada
- China
- Most Viewed Page (other than home):
- Post with the most views:
- Most viewed videos
- Most Referred To Site:Â Pulpit & Pen
Other than these events not much is different than last month. Though, search results are way up. So we will prioritize discernment more because that is our specialty. Here is what we wrote for last month on the things to look forward to in the upcoming months.
Video Content the Future?
Google is the number one search engine. YouTube is number two. We are having more success with YouTube search than Google search, so we may shift some focus on producing more video content. Currently we are producing one to two videos a month with hardly anything planned in the future, because videos take a lot more effort than articles. We are looking at turning some of our articles into videos.
Other Expansions
For months, I’ve been talking about adding a statement of faith, and I make no promises about this in March. However I hope to find the time to compile one. It is a greater priority to read deeper into my own faith and maintain production of daily content than it is to write a formal statement of faith. Until such time, I hope you can trust us, seeing our mission and writings, and see that we are orthodox. I also want to take the time to write about the less ecumenical stuff I believe or express, in writing how God is working in my life. This goes along with trying to work the Gospel message in many topical articles.
Views and visitors were down from January, but still up from December, so we are not worried about backsliding. God is working profoundly in my own life, so I do not rely on the metrics of this site to gauge this.
Soli Deo Gloria,