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DarkLinks 41: Woke Religion

In this exciting edition of DarkLinks we dive into the mass mobilization of the Social Justice Gospel? Is this movement out of the closet? Is it time to consider them not just heretics but pagans as well? These are questions explored in this edition of DarkLinks.

We start out with a small excerpt of a massive think piece about this new religion from PNP News. I wish I could be certain of its author to give them a more proper credit. But it’s a brilliant piece. Next there’s a piece out of Reformation Charlotte and Capstone Report tearing apart the hypocrisy of David Platt who has long been on board with the woke theology. Lastly we close it off with some videos

Wokeness is a New Religion and Christians Are Converting En Masse

By PNP News

If Christians are to survive in America, we must as soon as possible properly and accurately classify the “social justice” movement as a religion so as to receive the protections afforded us in the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. If not, we will soon find ourselves the victims of a state-sanctioned religion that uses its power of bigotry against our more traditional Christian faith.

Sub-Christian sects such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Christian Science, and Black Hebrew Israelites follow the same path of development as non-Christian cults like Scientology. While these faith systems might technically be classified as religions, their formation and growth is observable and quantifiable science. In short, all new religions develop in the same sociological pattern and have predictable and similar characteristics.

While the new American religion may not have an official name, it might be called the Religion of Wokeness, Social Religion, or Social Justice. Its more pseudo-Christian manifestations might be called the Popularity Gospel. Its name, like the religion itself, is in development. For the purpose of this article, it will be called the Religion of Wokeness.

SBC Leaders: Marching With Violent Anarchist Groups Essential, Corporate Worship is Not

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

Southern Baptist leaders and pastors around the nation are still refusing to worship corporately amid the coronavirus pandemic and in the midst of the violent chaos and anarchy taking place in cities around the country. Sadly, these men who believe they are spiritual leaders in our day are nothing more than social activists devoid of any semblance of the gospel.

NEW RELIGION: David Platt promotes Social Justice march, still not holding church

By Capstone Report

One can clearly see David Platt’s priorities.

In a long post on the church’s website, the church bureaucrats explain that the Washington, DC remains a “hot spot” for COVID-19.

“Metropolitan Washington, DC, is currently classified as a ‘hot spot’ for virus transmission, and recently released metrics from the White House Task Force rank our city as the number one metro area in the country in “test positives” for COVID-19,” the church said on its website.

But that fact of Washington, DC as a hot spot doesn’t stop Platt from encouraging people to march for Social Justice causes.

AD Robles: Big EVA trying and failing to serve two masters

Conversations That Matter: BLM and New Religion

Denise McAllister explains how BLM is ultimately an anti-Christian movement

NOQ Report


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