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Al Mohler

Al Mohler pretends to declare Critical Race Theory incompatible with Scripture

Big Eva is certainly on the defensive trying to cover up its own industry wide acceptance of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality. This is too much of the credit of online activism of grassroots Evangelicals who are forcing them to address these topics. This week, the seminary presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention got together and released a trite statement reaffirming the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and declaring Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality incompatible with Scripture.

Baptist Press, the denomination’s Pravda, reported the statement as well as the comments of the seminary presidents.

On this twentieth anniversary year of the Baptist Faith & Message (as revised and adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000), the Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in its annual session, hereby reaffirms with eagerness the Baptist Faith & Message as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention. Our six seminaries are confessional institutions, standing together in this classic statement of biblical truth. All professors must agree to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message. This is our sacred commitment and privilege, and every individual faculty member and trustee of our institutions shares this commitment. We are thankful for the theological commitments of the Southern Baptist Convention, standing against the tide of theological compromise and in the face of an increasingly hostile secular culture.

In light of current conversations in the Southern Baptist Convention, we stand together on historic Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in any form and we also declare that affirmation of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and any version of Critical Theory is incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message.

Each seminary president added their own comment to the statement. Danny Akin, of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary states:

While we must continue to speak with clear conviction against any aspects of racism, the sure and certain cure to any evil of this age is the gospel of Jesus Christ. No unbiblical ideology can solve the social issues that confront us. Every faculty member of Southeastern Seminary is fully committed to teaching biblical truth in service to King Jesus, and to standing steadfast in an increasingly secular culture.

Walter Strictland certainly disagrees. From reports that I see from experts in this field, Southeastern is definitely one of the most woke seminaries in the SBC. Danny Akin definitely has some woke tendencies such as adopting a revisionist history. I recall him stating that American slavery was worse than Roman slavery in a 2014 lecture I watched, an asinine statement easily debunked by the Servile Wars. I do not believe Akin is being honest here. Jason Allen of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary states this:

At any given moment, there are a host of challenges confronting the church and to which Christians should speak. Yet, these days there’s a particular relevance to Critical Race Theory, and what it portends to mean for Gospel ministry and for the church. Clearly, Critical Race Theory is at the forefront of our cultural and denominational moment. Confusion abounds on Critical Race Theory, but one thing is clear: the closer you look into the history, advocates, and aims of Critical Race Theory the more troubling it becomes.

Given our national and denominational history, causes and cures of racism are often emotionally charged, yet we need the moral and theological clarity to guard against racism and ethno-centrism, while also defending our most cherished beliefs: the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, and the full body of truth contained in The Baptist Faith and Message.

Unfortunately, the problem of racism still exists, but Critical Race Theory is not a biblical solution. We must be a people who stubbornly fight against both racism and Critical Race Theory, while fighting for racial reconciliation and the truth of Scripture.

Jason Allen gives the strongest remarks here, certainly the one to take most seriously. But the frustrating this is that Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality are undefined. What I’ve noticed about Big Eva’s recent confrontation of Critical Race Theory is that they are most willing to separate the term from the ideology. John Piper did exactly this. Critical Race Theory is treated as this abstract boogieman that does not actually exist. Jason Allen has perhaps come to a more honest realization than the others and it would be interesting to here further elaboration. However he could be playing excellent lip service here, especially with his remarks about racial reconciliation. What exactly is meant by that? Reparations or something else?

Jamie Dew of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary made the bold declaration:

CRT is not endorsed by any of our faculty members or administrators.

This absolute statement is begging to be exposed as a lie. Bookmark Jamie Dew’s statement for when a NOBTS professor is exposed. Adam Greenway of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary said this.

In these days of rampant confusion about biblical truth, Great Commission Baptists can take confidence that their seminaries are offering clarity and conviction when it comes to racism and other worldviews antithetical to the Bible and the only Gospel that can save, such as Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality. I enthusiastically endorse this statement, which reflects Southwestern Seminary’s confessional commitments and our unfaltering cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention of churches.

It is ironic how in a statement of clarity Adam Greenway uses very confusing syntax. But the statement is self-defeating. If “Great Commission Baptists” could count on the seminaries for clarity and conviction, the Southern Baptist Convention would not have had its first Resurgence. Let us remember who the villains were in that fight. Jeff Iorg of Gateway Theological Seminary says nothing of importance which brings us to Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The issues of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality have arisen within the last two years as issues of controversy in the larger world, and this controversy has reached into the Southern Baptist Convention. We stand together in stating that we believe that advocating Critical Race Theory or Intersectionality is incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message, and that such advocacy has no rightful place within an SBC seminary. I think it speaks loudly to Southern Baptists that we take this stand together.

Al Mohler has been habitually dishonest on the issue of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality, and this statement is no different. Al Mohler is lying here. If he truly believed that those who advocate teaching Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality have no place in the SBC and its seminaries, then he would have fired Jarvis Williams, Curits Woods, Matthew Hall, and all his other woke professors. Al Mohler’s audacious lie is for opportunism not a shift of belief. I maintain this stance until I see some people fired and others like Russell Fuller apologized to for the slander committed to him. Critical Theory is being exposed and the label may be killed for good in the Southern Baptist circles, but the ideology remains.


2 Responses

  1. Talking out of both sides of the mouth, trying to please God and please the world. No man can serve two masters!

  2. Go listen to Big Al during his interview on Issues, Etc. 2/18/2021.
    Smarming political operators opened my eyes and I left the SBC, and I cannot unsee now.
    You do great work here.

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