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Most Watched Videos of 2020

It is no secret that the Evangelical Dark Web has devoted a large amount of time into developing video content. I understand it may not be the preferred method of articulating a message for those who came for the written articles. However, YouTube is the most consistently growing social media platform. I have witnessed others grow large and mobile audiences quickly, and I believe Evangelical Dark Web can do the same. It is quite enjoyable to see a separate audience cultivated on a different platform that expands the reach. But since a lot on the videos are shot prior to the articles, the articles are often more in depth, so as not to provide value for those who read them. It’s worth celebrating the top videos of 2020.

1. Steven Furtick Modalism Exposed

2. Andy Stanley – Obvious False Teacher

3. Communist Pedophile Killed by Kyle Rittenhouse

4. Transformation Church Caught Removing Prosperity Gospel Faith Statement

5. Beth Moore Goes Full Marxist! Never Go Full Marxist.

6. UMC Split Over Biblical Sexuality

7. The Wire – McNulty’s Worldview Change

8. John MacArthur Invokes Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates

9. Al Mohler’s Stunning Lack of Self-Awareness

10. John Piper Soothes Conscience of Biden Voters


If this top ten list were compared to the top ten list on articles, it is worth noting there is only one commonality, and that is the Transformation Church faith statement story that Evangelical Dark Web reported. Other videos that have their own articles are linked to false teachers that were on the top ten. But there is a difference in what content catches fire on YouTube versus which content is meant for writing.

For instance, a long five thousand word report on Chris Hodges would likely make for a bad video. Yet very contemporary news can have a lot of success like the John MacArthur story and the various responses to White Fragility. All of these components of Evangelical Dark Web contribute to the mission.


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