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Big Tech censorship goes well beyond social media

Following social media’s Order 66, people not embracing the open censorship in our society were left scrambling. The idea that one can start their own social media company is proving as naïve as believing 15 days to flatten the curve.

There are a lot of components to running a business, a brand, a church with modern technology, etcetera. Building an app or website is one component of social media. You need to have distribution, like an app store which lands you at the mercy of Google and Apple. You need to have servers. This, once again, lands you at the mercy of Big Tech corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and IBM. But after that, you need a payment processor. Even Paypal, Stripe, Mastercard, Visa, and others are not your friend.

At multiple levels of operation, a person or organization can be taken out or, at very least, knocked down several pegs. I’m no fan of Parler or Gab, but we have seen clearly that creating a competitor to the friendly competition of tech giants is not welcomed. We have scene that cancel culture goes far beyond social media with Alex Jones and others.

Right now, we are all scrambling. In the long term we will need to establish our own separate economy. But in the near term, we basically have to take a chance if we ever want to monetize uncompromised Christian content.

Many allies in this cause rely of Patreon which is no fan of free speech. In the end, it’s likely smarter to go with your own platform if you’ve already build a website or SubscribeStar, if you are merely on YouTube or social media. The alternative to SubscribeStar is Dave Rubin’s Locals, but the reason I recommended the former is because Locals takes a larger cut, although they provide more value. However, the build your own platform option places one at the direct mercy of a payment processor like Stripe.

This is a precarious situation, one we will have to power through and hope, as well as work towards, building our own infrastructure.

Be Prepared For The Times

As big tech clamps down on avenues to get a message out there, reverting to more direct lines of communication is increasingly necessary. That is why we ask that you subscribe to our email list.


One Response

  1. I don’t know if there’s any connection but the forum you belong has another ministry called Joyfully Growing in Grace.  The owner of this group is someone I communicated with as an ex Judaizer.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone 2603508136

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