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Thoughts on the passing of Rush Limbaugh

The industry titan’s death caused all of Conservative media to pause to recognize one man’s accomplishments. Conservatives would not have a voice on politics today without Rush Limbaugh. He terraformed a culture far more than any US Senator of Congressman. He spoke three hours a day and made people feel like they were a part of a conversation.

I was not a listener of Rush. There were few occasions where I heard him growing up. In 2008, I recall a parody he had of Barney Frank as “The Banking Queen” following the bailouts. But the impact of Rush Limbaugh on my life is not direct. It is indirect. There is something profound about a man with traceable indirect influence. In the negative, we can trace the influence of many contemporary false teachers back to other movements. Most Marxists in the church did not get their Marxism from Karl Marx. They probably did not even get it from James Cone. But they got it from someone who got it from someone else who got it from Karl Marx.

With Rush Limbaugh we actually see this in the affirmative. The influence Rush Limbaugh had in pioneering an industry influenced those who came after him and those who would come after them. The way I produce content is in some capacity influenced by Rush Limbaugh even though it’s a different medium, because it it influenced by those who were influenced by him.

And who cares if the pagans celebrate his death. I do not blame them. Rush was their enemy, as they are ours. It’s expected that they would celebrate his death. Instead, I would like to lead a life where pagans will celebrate when I am gone because I am that dangerous to them.


3 Responses

  1. 20+ years ago when I was a democrat living in Boulder I had a job driving a truck with only an AM radio. I didn’t agree with a lot of what he said but he was actually really funny in a politically incorrect way so I listened. When I found I couldn’t refute many of his arguments I found myself drifting further right. I good dem would have stopped listening, but he’s incredibly entertaining. I dont listen to that much talk radio now that I have the chance again because no one is as entertaining (and knowledgeable) as he was. He could also admit when he was wrong, which is missing in so many in media today. I think I would still be saved and no longer a dem (not that they have to go together), but me and millions more, yes millions, can point to Rush when saying we used to be democrats!

  2. About a year ago on air, Rush articulated a clear understanding of the gospel. That Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that we are saved by faith. Also heard him declare a couple of times after that that he has a relationship with Jesus, and a strong faith. His brother David Limbaugh is an evangelical. Only God knows the heart, but many believers who listened to him over the past year, including myself, believe that Rush was saved.

  3. I just heard a clip of that on a local show yesterday. I had heard Rush talk about belief in God in the past, but in this he clearly articulated the role of Jesus as our savior. I would agree he is clearly saved. I hope a lot of people on the fence heard that and have truly turned themselves over to Christ. I’m sure some have already! Really cool. He will be missed and no, no one can or will replace him.

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