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Endorsement: Randy Adams for SBC President

With the Southern Baptist Convention underway, the imploding denomination is a major proxy for issues at large in all of Evangelicalism. SBC2021 represents a golden opportunity to rebuff the advance of Critical Race Theory in the church. However, Southern Baptist are woefully uninformed as to how bad the condition of the Southern Baptist Convention is. In addition to letting wolves like Russell Moore make a career out of blogging with Cooperative Program dollars, he received a golden parachute severance package while quitting to take a higher paying job. Every seminary in the convention is in some capacity teaching Critical Race Theory, with Danny Akin of SEBTS likely being the worst offender. Yet many Baptist stay for the missions. But the North American Missions Board (NAMB) under the control of Kevin Ezell has been a slush fund for corruption and a means of undermining Baptist church polity. The International Missions Board is little better than its domestic counterpart. The Southern Baptist Convention has stage four cancer.

A victory against Critical Race Theory that does not also confront the rank corruption will not save the Southern Baptist Convention. The stakes are higher than they were during the first Conservative Resurgence, yet the previous generations have largely been content to rest on their laurels while the wolves devour the infrastructure from within. The dire situation requires bold leadership that recognizes the threat and can stop it.

Therefore let us gaze upon the four candidates. Ed Litton is a theological progressive, representing a wing of the church that want to overtly embrace Critical Race Theory. Al Mohler represents the boy’s club establishment of the Southern Baptist Convention. Arguably the most powerful man in the convention, Al Mohler has done nothing to combat the issues within. In fact, the SBC does not get Resolution 9 without Al Mohler. A vote for Al Mohler is a vote for Kevin Ezell.

That leaves Randy Adams and Mike Stone. Having described both of them as the good guys in this fight, it would be most advantageous to rally behind the most capable of the men. Mike Stone has the Backing of the Conservative Baptist Network. He is the clear frontrunner in this race. But the Russell Moore document leaks perhaps call into question Mike Stones legitimacy. However, the words of an effeminate liar are not to be of influence of this assessment. Rather, this whole debacle has shone that from within, Mike Stone was handed a bleeding Russell Moore and could not smoke him out. Mike Stone is part of a boy’s club of his own, albeit a different one than Al Mohler. But while championing the fight against Critical Race Theory, Mike Stone has not signed the Statement on the Gospel and Social Justice (neither has Randy Adams.) His inability to combat corruption from within calls into question his capability of rooting out corruption when given more power.

In contrast, Randy Adams has built a campaign on transparency and accountability. The massive corruption at NAMB has been a key issue in his campaign that has made enemies with all of the right people, like Kevin Ezell. Randy Adams, like Mike Stones, stands against Critical Race Theory. But unlike Mike Stone, Randy Adams has a greater emphasis on using the bully pulpit to demand transparency from institutions.

Both Mike Stone and Randy Adams would deliver a blow to the Social Justice Gospel, but I have no confidence in Mike Stone’s ability to drain the SBC swamp that allowed this heresy to run rampant. Therefore the lone advantage of Mike Stone is that he is polarizing enough to send packing many obvious heretics like Dwight McKissic. But the entrenched wolves like Kevin Ezell will continue to feast. Randy Adams is most capable of making the SBC an instrument for the Great Commission instead of its current state of playing the harlot.

With nil to very few reasons for any local body to remain in cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention, Southern Baptists need the man most capable of righting the ship. Therefore, the Evangelical Dark Web hereby endorses Randy Adams for President of the Southern Baptist Convention.


3 Responses

  1. Southern Baptists lost their focus on God, and I beleive that they lost their focus as soon as they set up “president” for this committee, president for that committee, executive for this, executive for that, and the money began to flow, and corruption began.

    The Bible discusses elders, bishops, deacons, pastors, preachers, etc. But the Southern Baptists became like the Tower of Babel, and it’s time for God to tear it down!

    Ed Chapman

    1. Something we agree on Ed. All 501 c3 churches in America need to wake up. And that includes SBC. These so called churches act more like for profit corporations , then the body of Christ. “It’s about the money boys!”

  2. On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 2:29 PM Evangelical Dark Web wrote:

    > Ray Fava posted: ” With the Southern Baptist Convention underway, the > imploding denomination is a major proxy for issues at large in all of > Evangelicalism. SBC2021 represents a golden opportunity to rebuff the > advance of Critical Race Theory in the church. However, Souther” >

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