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The Qanon tactics of the Woke Baptists

The “October Surprise” to take undermine the campaign of SBC frontrunner Mike Stone came in the form of allegations of covering up sex abuse. Mike Stone, a sex abuse survivor himself, denies these allegations. Sex scandal allegations are an audible straight out of the Democrat playbook. It also seems to be the main argument for woke Southern Baptists. There is an effort to paint the Southern Baptist Convention as a cabal of sex abuse coverups, while garnering inspiration from the Roman Catholic Church, does not have the same standing because it fails to recognize Baptist church polity.

Baptist are Congregationalists. They believe in a bottom up hierarchy structure in the church whereby elders are accountable to the congregation. Affiliation with local, state, and national conventions is completely voluntary. Therefore many of these top down initiatives that the Caring Well Conference put forth are either ineffective or a means to undermine local control over churches. With over 44,000 Southern Baptist churches the issue is not as widespread as they would have you believe.

This overemphasis on a byproduct of corruption (as opposed to the corruption itself) is a ploy for power. The woke Southern Baptists are grifters, as false teachers often are. Grifters have a tendency to chase what people believe or want to believe. Certainly the most famous grift in these regards was Qanon. Qanon was always a scam, but initially its focus was on Jeff Sessions unveiling a host of treason charges against Obama officials. When that became less likely, and when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and subsequently did not kill himself, Qanon started emphasizing sex abuse and sex trafficking more.

Everyone is opposed to sex abuse in the church minus the wolves committing it. Even wolves like Russell Moore and Ed Stetzer oppose child sex abuse. This makes people easier target for manipulation. The woke Southern Baptists do not have the votes for Critical Race Theory. It’s a losing issue for them out in broad daylight. Mike Stone is the most viable threat in opposition to Critical Race Theory. But if they can execute a character assassination on this issue against Mike Stone, then they can maintain the status quo with Al Mohler or make gains with Ed Litton. Neither one of those two would likely do anything different on this issue. After all, Al Mohler is Mr. NDA.

This is all theater. This is all politics. They want you to think that an interaction in which Mike Stone allegedly making a survivor cry is significant. Christians should not heed the witness of someone who writes columns in the Atlantic or Washington Post. They are glomming on to the issue of sex abuse because they are losing. It’s a Qanon tactic for the masses, and a propaganda game for the media coverage after the event.


One Response

  1. Quite right. Sex abuse scandals in Christianity of any denomination are sure get the attention of the mainstream media and thus a sure audience to spew some other garbage the masses love to lap up. Just an easy way to get attention.

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