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The Chosen Promotes Levi Lusko

Perhaps the biggest platform in Evangelical subculture or even American Christianity at-large is The Chosen. The Chosen is an attempt to tell the story of Jesus and his disciples establishing larger backstories through a television medium. It’s a viewer funded program that has achieved more views than your average hit TV show with little if any mainstream publicity. Is The Chosen biblical? Not having seen it, I dare not answer. But perhaps a foreboding sign that it’s not comes in the form of their livestream event for their season 2 finale that boasted Levi Lusko as a special guest.

Levi Lusko is certainly a rising star in the neo-Emergent Church movement. Essentially, he is a smarter version of Steven Furtick but in the Rocky Mountains. Evangelical Dark Web wrote extensively responding to reader requests about how he is a false teacher. A few key takeaways from that verdict are as follows:

  • Shady background having grown up and possibly been trained in the Emergent Church movement. (This explains a lot about his teaching)
  • Mostly preaches pop-psychology. You learn more trivial information than information on the Bible in a Lusko sermon
  • Writes books and then preaches sermons on those books
  • Regularly associates with and has wolves speak at his church

Given how large the platform of The Chosen is, to invite Levi Lusko as a special guest is to elevate a wolf. Now, in their defense, he’s not as obvious as Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel, or Mike Todd, the men he hangs out with. But that’s the best defense they have for doing so.

It will be interesting when I watch The Chosen to see whether this lack of discernment is foreboding or a deviation.


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