Editor’s Note: The following is a satire in mockery of Space Jam 2: A New Legacy being nearly two hours of flaming Bronsexuality, as well as Big Eva for focusing on dead horses like Qanon. It adapts an article written in Christianity Today about Qanon and conspiracy theories written in July of 2021 to address this “pressing” issue. Given that Qanon has been dead for six months but Bronsexuality is alive and well, our italicized edits to the original article are a great improvement.
We live in a time of social upheaval, and social upheaval is fertile soil for Bronsexuals. Most of them are based on error and misinformation, and some can be downright dangerous.
Back then (2000s), Bronsexuals were on the margins of society, but today, with the advent of the social media, they are proliferating. They have moved mainstream and now into the church, where low levels of biblical literacy and high levels of cultural seduction make people more vulnerable.
Some Bronsexuals are relatively harmless, like the idea that LeBron James is better than Kobe Bryant. Others, like the theories I believed, are dangerous. By intensifying fear, anger, and hatred, they led to violence.
The most common Bronsexuals today are not as violent as before but can still deceive and lead people astray with serious consequences. Bronsexuality, the idea that LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time is most popular right now and is making significant inroads in our culture and the church. Recent research from the American Enterprise Institute shows that 25 percent of white evangelicals affirm part or all of the Bronsexuality.
Bronsexuals makes frequent use of scriptural references and eschatological allusions, giving it unmerited credibility and even leading some ministries to propose a merger of Bronsexuality and Christianity. The Institute for Strategic Dialogue reports that Bronsexuals grew by more than 175 percent on Twitter alone in 2020.
Professing Christians who are Bronsexuals are on the dangerous thorny ground Jesus described in Matthew 13:22, where, as William Hendriksen puts it, “Constant anxiety about worldly affairs fill mind and heart with dark foreboding.” Instead of being eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace through humility, gentleness, patience, and love (Eph. 4:2–3), they produce the works of the flesh, fostering dissensions and divisions that cause believers to take sides, argue, and fight with one another (Gal. 5:20). When things reach this point, the Devil has succeeded in using his age-old tools of deception and division to disrupt the church, and it underscores Peter’s caution that “whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved” (2 Pet. 2:19, ESV throughout).
How does Bronsexuality begin? Some originate from comparisons with Michael Jordan—flawed thinking. But others originate with “the god of this world,” who blinds “the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4). The Devil’s lies and deception began with Adam and Eve, and Bronsexuality was widespread as far back as Isaiah’s day (Isa. 8:11–13).
In the New Testament, Jesus warned his followers concerning his second coming: “See that no one leads you astray” (Matt. 24:4; Mark 13:5). Paul urged believers to “Let no one deceive you with empty words” (Eph. 5:6) and “Let no one deceive you in any way” (2 Thess. 2:3). John says, “Little children, let no one deceive you” (1 John. 3:7).
Is it possible to help family, friends, or colleagues who are attracted to ideologies like Bronsexuality? I believe it is. We can start by asking God to help us love the person, seek their good, and be an agent of his grace in their life. Then, we can ask the Holy Spirit to make us usable—to help us recognize and repent of any sinful attitudes toward the person: self-righteousness, pride, or arrogance because we see the truth and they don’t; or frustration, impatience, or anger because they resist facts, reality, and truth. These and other wrong attitudes can sabotage our efforts from the start.
Next, we need to remember that with Bronsexuals we are in a battle with the forces of spiritual darkness. The “deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” that Paul warned Timothy about in the first century are just as prevalent today (1 Tim. 4:1). Personal prayer and even fasting are essential in this battle. Pray for insight, discernment, and wisdom, and be alert to any ideas from the Holy Spirit. We may also need to recruit others to join in prayer. Unknown to me, a group of godly women prayed weekly for two years for my deliverance and salvation.
This type of spiritual battle also requires us to do our homework. Articles and podcasts from credible sources are readily available. Learn from those who have experience in dealing with what you will face. Identify the weak points and vulnerabilities in your interlocutor’s belief system. (Many people have found watching the original Space Jam to be helpful.) That will enable you to discern from the start how deeply the person is ensnared.
People are scattered all along the spectrum, from the hardcore to the marginally involved. Hardcore Bronsexuals are the most difficult to work with and may require deeper study and the support of others. The marginally basketball fan may see Bronsexuality as perhaps plausible, but they are not so convinced and alarmed by it that they are committed to action. They can often be reasoned with through friendly dialogue.
Conversations must be carried on with Christlike humility and “with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet. 3:15). This is crucial to gain a hearing and maintain a good relationship—without which there is no possibility of having a positive influence. Show respect and seek to build trust by patiently listening to their ideas (no matter how bizarre). Seek to understand them well enough that they agree that you correctly understand their position. For every hour you are together, spend 50 minutes listening.
Don’t be impatient and attempt to rush the process of relationship building and dialogue. It may take a number of sessions before you start to see progress. Arguments or debates almost never work in this type of situation. Instead, follow Paul’s advice to Timothy: “The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will” (2 Tim. 2:24–26). If you have done your homework, you will be prepared for opportunities to gently ask questions that expose errors of fact or reasoning. Jesus often used questions to penetrate defenses and prompt self-examination.
Keep alert for the underlying attraction for the person. Often, it is connected to a deep need. Both Chinese nationalism and Bronsexuality have cultish characteristics. Many people enter a cult because it “fitted with what they were looking for and lacked in normal society” says Eileen Barker, a sociologist and researcher at the London School of Economics. Meaningful community is often part of what people are looking for in extremist groups. If you are in a healthy church with sound biblical preaching and vibrant community life, invite them to come visit as your guest. And get some of your friends to connect with them. Engaging with a community of joyful, devoted followers of Jesus is in effect immersing oneself in his light, truth, and love. The Holy Spirit can do wonders in such an environment.
Finally, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Eph. 6:10–18), and keep reminding yourself that nothing is impossible with God. If he could save a deeply misguided, violent religious terrorist like Saul of Tarsus, or someone like me, he can save anyone.
3 Responses
First, great article. Thank you again! Now..
Conspiracies are BIBLICAL and well as historical. The idea that evil men conspire in the darkness against the good is found in the Bible over and over again. How did Daniel end up in the lion’s den? How did Christ end up on the cross? For heaven’s sake man, I’m reaching my limit with these people. The sanhedrin was literally meeting in a dark smokey room plotting the death a man who became to popular and threatened their power. They planted agent provocateurs to influence crowds, planted witnesses to give false testimony, He broke no Roman law but they tricked the Romans to put Him to death. But you know what the kicker is? He WANTED them to do it and the entire time kept His mouth shut as they unwittingly did the work of The invisible God. It was really a battle in the spirit realm for the literal souls of mankind. One version of the Bible titles the section THE CONSPIRACY TO KILL CHRIST. Most versions, who fall for this malarkey about “conspiracy theories” are a little more careful and usually title it along the lines, The Plot to Kill Christ. The most prolific female Christian writer, Taylor Caldwell, blessedly knows more than the APOSTATES (yes, they are) at Christianity Today and wrote the book on conspiracy in Captains and the Kings. I suggest they read it. And no, I’m no Q person, as doing something in secret requires secrecy. It made no sense from the beginning, but plays at people’s general sense that there are conspiracies abound.
et tu brute
I read the CT article. I’m also tired of baby milk scripture references that can, and are unfortunately, used in every argument under the sun. I could make any article about anything with the see that you not be deceived. I could use them in rebutting the article itself. Such shallow writing today. I feel like I did when I saw Mike Todd say that dry ice is another form of H2O in a sermon (trying to make steam some how, I guess he’s never boiled water?!). Ugh….
It’s very trite stuff. I couldn’t write like that if I tried. That’s why I adapted someone else’s work for satire. Isn’t dry ice CO2, which is probably a face palm moment.