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Bekah Mason

Bekah Mason: The Blue-Haired Feminist Pushing Homosexuality in the Church

The Revoice Movement is a horizon threat to mainstream Evangelicalism. What started out in the PCA has swept through other denominations. The Evangelical Covenant Church is one example of a denomination embracing Revoice teaching. However, the founders of Revoice contain a significant presence of Southern Baptist background, which is a clear pathway to influence typical Evangelicalism in the United States across a big tent. Bekah Mason, the Executive Director of this organization has a Southern Baptist

One of the most unsurprising, but certainly disappointing, details is that the supposedly conservative Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary gave Bekah Mason an MDiv. And Al Mohler’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary would give her a ThM. These seminaries would go on to reveal themselves to be the most woke seminaries in the Southern Baptist Convention.

Before being the executive director of Revoice, she worked primarily in Christian education in the Chattanooga area. During her career she had several questionable blog posts on sexuality that were questionable that were overlooked by multiple Christian education institutions.

The further evidence of apostasy abounds as she is on a cohost of a pro homosexuality podcast titled “Life On Side B.” This is the podcast founded by Josh Proctor and also co-hosted by Grant Hartley who Evangelical Dark Web marked as a false teacher for promoting homosexuality.

Bekah Mason is a founder member of The Pelican Project, a woke feminist club containing Karen Swallow Prior (endorsed Revoice), Kristie Anyabwile, Rachel Gilson, Tish Harrison Warren (Revoice) and more. The advisory council of this club includes Russell Moore, Christina Edmonson, Esau McCaulley, Thabiti Anyabwile, Andy Couch (Revoice), among others.

Bekah Mason is the Revoice figure that hosted the panel of the open homosexual who has replaced marriage with friendship. One of the more subversive aims of Revoice is to attack the institution of marriage by replacing it with friendship for those who are not called to celibacy. See below Evangelical Dark Web’s coverage of a panel discussion she hosted.

In a recent “homily” Bekah Mason uses the term “mixed-orientation” marriage and suggests that “gay Christians” are in some ways superior to married Christians, accusing the church of making an idol of marriage. (This is in the article’s video)

Bekah Mason is a clear example of how the Revoice Movement has a pipeline into other streams of Evangelicalism, if not properly rooted out. Her Southern Baptist background also comes with associations with prominent Southern Baptists like Karen Swallow Prior who also works routinely to undermine Biblical sexuality. Moreover, Bekah Mason’s career shows a glaring oversight in Christian private education. Multiple Christian schools did not vet her views on important issues, or they did not care.

Bekah Mason teaches that people should not purge sinful desires from their hearts, nor should we expect regeneration to empower us to overcome prominent sins in our lives. She sells an antinomian gospel. And she has made an entire career from this false teaching. This is what happens when the church tolerates the blue haired lesbian feminist Jezebel, and the church needs to mark and avid such people.

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