It’s been a dynamic year for Evangelical Dark Web, and in 2021 our reporting as a news gatherer grew substantially as did its share in our readership. In 2020, 8 of the top 10 were verdicts done as part of the discernment ministry here. 2020 proved that using reader interest to drive discernment research was an excellent strategy to establish Evangelical Dark Web, and solidify its voice on the web. In 2021, we simply did not write as many verdicts. In 2020, we wrote 18 verdicts, and in 2021, we wrote only 5 but made updates to some of our more popular ones. Do not expect this trend to continue into 2022. Still a number of articles we wrote that made the top ten could be considered as evidence of apostacy for various teachers of interest. In reverse order, the top ten were:
(Wild Card). Mark Driscoll’s church leadership hypocrisy
As this is being published prior to January 2022, it stands to reason we should include an article that could make the top ten in the remaining days as the numbers are close.
10.  PCA bans homosexual ministers, defeats Revoice Movement
Evangelical Dark Web had the best reporting on this topic from an outside perspective, as the PCA is a more difficult beast to understand than the Southern Baptist Convention. When compared to the Christian Post’s reporting on this issue, it’s no wonder why our article stood out and gained much traction.
9. Paint the Wall Black: What happens when BLM encounters a Christian
Benefitting from being published earlier in the year, this review of Last Stand Studio’s debut documentary gained a lot of traction after being touted by the film makers. This just shows how large a platform Jon Harris has.
8. Is Francis Chan a false teacher?
This verdict took a different approach, as it examined the claims of other discernment ministries. In any case the verdict agreed with those ministries. Relying primarily on good SEO, this article solidified a position in the top ten, despite my accidental burying of this article that I remedied prior to publishing this list.
7. San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: Full List of Possible Sex Offenders
Our war with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus was perhaps a one sided affair. After they submitted a copyright strike on a very popular video we did, we dug deep into the sex offender registry and their roster to find possible or likely matches. We published the exhaustive list of possible and unlikely matches. SFGMC would lose their copyright claim upon our appeal.
6. Is John MacArthur’s wealth a real scandal?
In our examination of Julie Roy’s bad faith reporting, we determined there was not enough evidence to raise a concern. This article would even be read by Julie Roy’s herself who took issue with being called a Branch Covidian and a feminist in the article.
5. Max Lucado comes out of the apostate closet
This headline was both a play of words on the subject matter and a great example of SEO for those who question Max Lucado’s legitimacy. This article tackles Max Lucado’s broader acceptance of teachers who believe homosexuality is biblically permissible.
4. Will Rick Warren be kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention?
This was another example of an article that had excellent SEO, connecting Rick Warren to the Southern Baptist Convention. Naturally, articles about such a popular figure are bound to get more attention, but this one far outperformed the other Rick Warren articles from 2021.
3. Is John Piper a false teacher?
Somehow an article answering this question and having all year year accumulate views only came in third place. John Piper is perhaps the most overrated teacher of his generation, and this article ventures to answer an important question.
2. Was Ravi Zacharias a false teacher all along?
This is the only posthumous verdict ever to be done by the Evangelical Dark Web and will probably be the only one. Yet the posthumous scandal of Ravi Zacharias was earth shattering for many, and will make the list of top stories.
1. Is Levi Lusko a false teacher?
This article has had two different permalinks in its existence, and both permalinks were combined for this assessment as they were not both active at one time. The migration messed with that. Levi Lusko is a rising Steven Furtick with more intelligence and operates in Montana. Even The Chosen promoted him.