On Valentine’s Day, sometimes being a simp has its reward. In this instance, Bart Barber has been made chair of the Resolutions Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is best known the only simp who argued that Ed Litton’s serial sermon plagiarizing was not a sin so boldly online. Previously his standing in Big Eva was being on a very liberal Resolutions Committee in the 2021 convention. Now as chair he will hope to helm the Southern Baptist Convention’s liberal downgrade by offering resolutions to this outcome.
In 2021, the Resolutions Committee was extremely effective in doubling down on Resolution 9 from 2019 which established Critical Race Theory as an analytical tool. James Merritt was chair last year and wielded the bully pulpit of the convention floor with devastating effectiveness.
The conservatives of the convention were handily outplayed. Bart Barber is filling the shoes of James Merritt and Curtis Woods, a political thug and a racebaiter. There is considerable reason to doubt Bart Barber’s political savvy is on the same level as his predecessors, but this likely won’t matter, since the convention will rubber stamp almost anything brought fourth.
This is further evidence of the Southern Baptist Convention’s descent into apostacy, as with Willie McLaurin becoming head of the executive committee.