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Transvestite ‘Bishop’ ousted from ELCA for racism

Last year, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America celebrated the elevation of Megan Rohrer to the title of bishop. Now the highest ranking transvestite in the liberal ELCA denomination is ousted for alleged racism. The incident occurred on December 12, 2021 in which a Hispanic uprising occurred at a pagan worship service in which a “Pastor Nelson” was unceremoniously removed from duty. This caused a tumult in the service.

The ELCA has announced that the transvestite bishop, Megan Rohrer has been ousted from his role in a statement condemning his failure to adhere to “anti-racist” standards.

is is a decision that ELM staff and Board have been discerning for much of 2021, leading to the creation of a formal ELM Accountability Team and process. The Accountability Team has attempted to work with Bishop Rohrer to specifically address how the bishop’s racist words and actions have harmed members of the ELM staff, board, and community. In September, Bishop Rohrer declined the Accountability Team’s invitation for continued work to repair these relationships.
If and when Bishop Rohrer decides to re-engage with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, they should communicate directly with the co-chairpersons of the Board, currently Margarette Ouji and Michael Wilker. Bishop Rohrer’s suspension means that ELM will not include their name on ELM and Proclaim communications. ELM will not invite Bishop Rohrer to events sponsored solely by ELM. Additionally, ELM will be creating a new Facebook group for Proclaim’s trans affinity group, which is unaffiliated with any Facebook group that Bishop Rohrer has created or moderated in the past. We have requested that Bishop Rohrer remove references to ELM Proclaim membership in their publications, biographies, articles, and reports to the best of their ability until they work with the Accountability Team to repair the relationships with the ELM staff, Board, and Proclaim community.
The statement was in regards to a suspension, but now the ELCA has called for his resignation via a resolution to remove him from the synod.

Resolved, that Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church:

1. refuses to participate in any activities, meetings, assemblies, or other gatherings of the Sierra Pacific Synod while Bishop Megan Rohrer and the current Synod Council remain in their respective positions. To participate in any activity of the Sierra Pacific Synod at this time, would give tacit approval to the past damage done to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in San Francisco (now defunct) by Bishop Megan Rohrer; it would be a betrayal of the core values of our Congregation, and would give credence to the current damage and racist “dog whistles” being used against Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez and the people of Iglesia Santa María Peregrina (people formerly of Misión Latina Luterana);

2.      urges a full review by the legal staff of the ELCA of all court documents, sworn testimonies, depositions, and other evidentiary documents found in the public record of the civil case brought against Bishop Megan Rohrer: “Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Francisco, Case No CGC-18-567512: Brenda Moore et al., plaintiffs — v. — Megan Rohrer et al., defendants”,  including the hiring of a forensic accountant;

3. demands that the Presiding Bishop, Rev Elizabeth Eaton, and the Conference of Bishops begin the disciplinary process to remove Bishop Megan Rohrer and the Synod Council, which colluded together in the racist defamation of Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez, denying him due process, and using innuendo and unsubstantiated allegations masked under the veil of “protecting victims” to justify the firing of Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez;

4.      urges the Presiding Bishop, Rev Elizabeth Eaton, to make a public apology on behalf of the ELCA to Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez, his family, and the members of Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina (members formerly of Misión Latina Luterana) in person;

5.      demands that all actions taken by Bishop Megan Rohrer and the Synod Council in the firing of Pastor Nelson Rabell be reversed by the Presiding Bishop, Rev Elizabeth Eaton, and/or the Conference of Bishops and that Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez receive full compensation and back pay from the date of his firing; and

6.      begins the process of severing its ties with the ELCA if Bishop Megan Rohrer retains the office of Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod in order to protect the ongoing mission and ministry of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, its property, and its assets.

This is not the first time the woke have eaten their own in liberal denominations, as a recently formed LMX denomination has experienced massive decline as the pagans could not agree on how to hate God, only that they do.

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2 Responses

  1. FYI “Bishop” Megan Rohr is a woman. She has had her breasts surgically removed, is “married” to a woman, her “pronouns” are “him” and “they”, but she has for some reason retained her original name of Megan. I understand it’s confusing, but she is not a “he”.

  2. Mainline Protestantism went off the rails years ago.
    They can’t sustain, have an aging laity, and are dying off. Some evangelicals like the AOG appear to be sustaining and/or growing, but the goofy woke and progressive influences effecting groups like the SBC, PCA, LCMS, and others, as well as their seminaries, is an indicator of where much of evangeleftism and muricanism is heading (exvangelical myself). I’d wager that within 5 years the SBC and the PCA will be performing same sex marriages, ordaining female clergy, and waving rainbow banners off their steeples much like their mainline Protestant brothers. The evangelical strip mall and industrial park churches can’t sustain either.

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