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Farewell JD Hall

JD Hall is certainly one of the best and most influential polemicist out there. I have never been afraid to cite of link Protestia or Pulpit and Pen. The amazing work done over the course of about a decade is without compare given the credence that established institutions have refused his ministry. In truth, JD Hall is one of the people who has influenced Evangelical Dark Web the most. When I launched Evangelical Dark Web in 2019, I did not set out to imitate Pulpit and Pen. I did however, have great admiration and sought a different strategy, one that exposed up and coming threats to the church as opposed to the lowest hanging fruit.

So when JD Hall announced his retirement from writing on polemics, I was not surprised. He had said sometime not too long ago that his heart wasn’t in polemics. Last year, Alan Atchison of Capstone Report was contemplating dropping out having said what he had to say, but the sermongate kept him in. Though Protestia will continue operating and JD Hall will be on the podcast, his writing days are numbered, but he is going out with a bang. In addition to posting an upcoming expose, he will also be active in the fight for the Southern Baptist Convention.

JD was never known for being “nice” but he demonstrates a lot more kindness than the winsomely worded Big Eva figures. His impact in politics, especially in Montana, dwarfs that of the ERLC. So for him to retire is a big hit to this field of ministry. Hopefully, Protestia will continue putting out good articles, and certainly I intend to grow Evangelical Dark Web to take on more reporting.

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One Response

  1. No big loss here. I have no dog in the fight in your evangelical holy wars, but I understand there are those in Montana and the Dakotas who won’t lose any sleep over this either.

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