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Tim Keller

Tim Keller Promotes Greg Johnson, Revoice Movement

2022 continues to be a bad year for Tim Keller. After promoting Stephen Colbert’s false gospel and comparing Francis Collins to Daniel, it’s safe to say the sheep’s mask is coming off. Evangelical Dark Web does find Tim Keller to be a false teacher. Now, Tim Keller is taking a bold stand in the embattled Presbyterian Church in America by endorsing a book written by Greg Johnson. Greg Johnson is the teaching elder at Memorial Presbyterian Church in the St. Louis area. In October, Greg Johnson successfully fended off charges that he was unqualified for ministry because he identifies as a homosexual. Greg Johnson’s church would be the inaugural host church of the Revoice Conference. Tim Keller promoted Johnson’s book on Facebook.

The post was well received, even garnering a heart from Grant Hartley. Last month, Hartley would credit Tim Keller as a contributor to side b theology. Additionally, Greg Johnson’s overt side b theology may be convincing to Tim Keller. But in any case, this post is Tim Keller promoting side b theology which is inconsistent with the gospel.

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One Response

  1. Keller and company are too rebellious to see that the notion of “curing” homosexuality is a straw man argument. It is a serious sin, and no matter what you do or say, some people will hold onto the sin. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to change them. We don’t give up preaching against other sins just because people hold onto them tightly.

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