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Christian Post

Christian Post attacks JD Hall With Clickbait, Praises False Teachers Daily

It is a well known phenomenon that most people don’t read beyond a headline. So what are we to make of a headline that promotes a false narrative on top of a rather fairly written article? In my opinion, this gives the author cover against charges of libel, which matters more in a Christian journalism context. The article titled, “Pastor JD Hall arrested for DUI hours after threatening to disrupt SBC annual meeting” was authored by Leonardo Blair. The headline attempts to dishonestly draw a connection between a DUI arrest and Tweets about the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention.

The problem is, there was no alcohol or any other substance proven to be in Hall’s system. The other factor is he was armed when the incident occurred, adding an additional charge. According to Protestia, JD Hall has pled not guilty, and without toxicology, the charges won’t stick. The also didn’t pull Hall over for reckless driving, rather he was stopped at an intersection with the front of his vehicle beyond the stop line. Honestly, this looks like overzealous policing. And it’s not like the past two years of lockdowns and mandates have given us any reason to give police the benefit of the doubt.

For those who follow JD Hall, they are aware that he has multiple health issues. Additionally, the explanation given for failing the field sobriety test was vitamin D deficiency. Again, none of this has any relationship with Halls comments on the upcoming SBC convention. It’s a character attack, not just aimed at a longtime competitor but also at the conservative Baptist who want to fight for the SBC.

Every day Christian Post writes fluff pieces for false teachers, praising them for exceedingly banal statements. Recent examples include Michael Todd warns Christians against ‘cuffing’ themselves to idols: ‘It’s killing our calling’ and Francis Chan criticizes ‘my body my choice’ argument: ‘God says nothing is yours’. As you can see, such profound wisdom is being shared by false teachers like Mike Todd and Francis Chan.  At the time of the publish, the article right next to JD’s was Craig Groeschel says people like Jesus until they discover His ‘exclusive’ claims. False teachers fart rainbows at the Christian Post.

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One Response

  1. From my research, you don’t need a CCL to carry concealed in Montana as long as you meet some other basic criteria (over 18, no felony convictions, never adjudicated mentally ill, etc.). And if no alcohol was found in his bloodstream or through a breathalyzer, neither of these charges have any merit, and will probably bd dismissed. Over zealous Johnny Law for sure.
    That said, I know you shill for this guy, but he’s an enemy of my blood, and I’m NO fan of him or of Protestantism and the Christian Prot Post. The SBC is going (and has been going for awhile now) off the rails. So pushback from your crew satisfied you, and has merit in your world just the same.

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