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The Big Brown Gadfly

Dr. Bobby Lopez: Sex Abuse Task Force Report Covers Up More Than It Reveals

Dr. Bobby Lopez was once fired from Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary for writing about sex abuse. Now the Southern Baptist Convention has publicly released the Sex Abuse Task Force report, Bobby Lopez believes that this report is a hit job meant to cover up sex abuse the Southern Baptist Convention does not want you to see. Starting with the premise, the report only looks into the actions of the Executive Committee. This takes the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board off the table. Theoretically, it would be easy for abuse overseas to be covered up and leave Southern Baptist none the wiser. Alas, the report has preset targets, like Mike Stone, and an accompanying agenda. And someone like Bobby Lopez, a mistreated survivor is not even a footnote in a 288 page document.

Liability Fund

Dr. Lopez believes that the Conservative Resurgence employed ecclesiastical gangsters to carry out their dirty work and drive liberals out of the convention ie Al Mohler. This new guard became a boy’s club entrenched with corruption. With rank corruption comes sexual impropriety. Lopez believes that men like Johnny Hunt had to be in the wreckage so that Kevin Ezell, Al Mohler, and Bart Barber could continue. It’s worth noting that Johnny Hunt worked for NAMB and the coverup involvement within NAMB is left unexplored. Only, Dr. Lopez is confident that this leadership will also be brought down for their impropriety.

Shortlived Effect

Dr. Lopez believes that the lack of new information provided by a million dollar investigation will undermine its impact. Attacking Paige Patterson has gotten old, according to Bobby. The upcoming convention may see a motion made to adopt the recommendations of the task force which include setting up a fund using Cooperative Program dollars to pay victims of elites who commit sex abuse. Lopez believes Bart Barber will appoint a committee to slowly and ineffectively implement the changes.

Death of the SBC

Bobby Lopez is convinced the SBC is a doomed organization, as am I. There is a sadomasochism within the SBC to bludgeon the reputation of the church on racism and in the Southern Baptist Convention, sex abuse. Additionally, the financial house of card may collapse. Interestingly enough, Dr. Lopez believes a house church movement will rise in wake of the SBC’s demise.


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