A week after the Southern Baptist Convention had a further revealing and counterproductive convention, the Presbyterian Church in America is in the midst of its General Assembly. Last year, the PCA adopted Overture 23 which aimed to prevent Revoice Pastors from ordination. However, the measure has failed to be adopted at the state Presbytery levels following the General Assembly. Additionally, teaching elder Greg Johnson, an OG within the Revoice Movement was acquitted of charges brought against him.
This year, Overture 41 sought to condemn Critical Race Theory. After defining Critical Race Theory and elaborating on its theological errors, the Overture which functions as a resolution states:
Therefore, be it resolved that the 49th General Assembly declare Critical Race Theory to be a seriously flawed, and an overall unhelpful way for addressing the issues surrounding race within the church, and rather point believers to the greater, truly sufficient answer centered on the reconciliation which has been accomplished through the blood of Christ (Galatians 2:11-22).
The Overtures Committee voted to recommend answering Overture 41, Declare Critical Race Theory Flawed, by postponing the matter indefinitely. The vote was 99-31.
Other Notable Events
The Overture Committee has advanced a petition calling for the end of abortion in the United States, Overture 13. Overture 13 does not include feminist language that much of the SBC resolutions on abortion have.
Overture 15Â looks to pick up where Overture 23 from last year left off. It has been recommended by the Overture Committee.
Overture 42Â which sought to condemn teaching and ruling elders from participating in secretive political groups in order to effect presbyteries was recommended against by the committee. It’s unclear what the context was for this or whether the Conservative Baptist Network was the inspiration.
Coming Up
The Overtures Committee wants punt on the issue of Critical Race Theory, and it is uncertain, if not unlikely, that the Assembly will disagree. In the other instances, it looks like conservative gains could be on the horizon.