Without the martyrdom of St. George Floyd or the continued threat of Covid, Pride Month 2022 was set to be a major front of the Spiritual Warfare taking place in our society. With the passage of the Florida so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill which aimed to curb groomer teachers, state level efforts to ban transgenderism in children, and the backing of corporate America, the homosexual transgender pedophile agenda was set to strike back to quell any amount of pushback.
The month of June began with much turmoil. Indeed there was a heightened push to target children. This was seen as pedophile drag queens performed for children all across the country. However, this time there was a number of good guys on the ground pushing back against this sexual grooming.
Even Fox News would promote child abuse in the form of transgendering children. In the church, the Southern Baptist Convention would remain in business with Guidepost Solutions whilst they boast their support for homosexuality and transgenderism. They would largely dominate the Southern Baptist Convention.
But then things changed. The Supreme Court issued a number of rulings. They struck down New York’s “may issue” status for concealed carry. Then, Roe v Wade was struck down.
All the hard work of the pro-life movement paid off. The Christian Trump voters were fully vindicated. Instantly we saw many wolves in the church put on their wolves clothing gnashing their teeth at the just ruling. From The Gospel Coalition, the silence of Russell Moore, Karen Swallow Prior, and many others, we saw firsthand an elitist refusal to celebrate the undoing of the greatest injustice in American history.
And while many subvert the pro-life movement with feminism, we are undoubtedly the winners of this battle. And the glory goes to God.
Those who preach caution towards celebration or obfuscate the outcome are wicked. Those who are silent don’t understand the times and should resign from the pulpit.
We just experienced the biggest victory, trolling the demonic on a 666 day of the year (6/24/2022 all add up to 6). The wicked are enraged, fearful, and demoralized.
Make no mistake, this was a downfall month for pride. The wicked are trembling at the thought of justice in our society.
And so a Pride Month that began with a bang has come to a conclusion with a butthurt.