On July 12, an audio interview of Jennifer Lyell was leaked on a freshly started YouTube Channel called SBC Truth. The interview is with Jennifer Lyell, Ron Henzel, and Don Veinot, the latter two of Midwest Outreach. This has been verified by Capstone Report.
The audio makes several claims including that the wife knew what her husband, David Sills, was doing to Lyell. Lyell also makes several claims of criminal actions that David Sills has committed, including breaking and entering into her house, numerous threats of violence against her and Al Mohler, and sexual assault.
Additionally, she claims a larger degree of police involvement, yet there is no record of police involvement according to Megan Basham’s reporting. The lack of police records despite a clear allegation of Sills breaking and entering is a demonstrable hole in the narrative that the Southern Baptist Convention has been peddling.
Update: The video is now unavailable.
Jennifer Lyell has been at the forefront of the SBC because her 12 year long relationship with David Sills has been interpreted as abuse. However, this narrative has been assumed without corroborating evidence. The SBC has paid over $1 million dollars to Lyell, yet the SBC largely views this as abuse based on “power differentials” and thus has forgone the sin of adultery.