Chelsea Smith is co-lead pastrix at Churhhome, a west coast megachurch very similar to Hillsong, that boasts celebrity attendees, most notably Justin Bieber. While it is not surprising that a church very similar to Hillsong NYC would also have a flaccid response to abortion, Chelsea Smith is strikingly bad and even weaker than Carl Lentz.
After apologizing for being white, Chelsea Smith does everything she can to obfuscate the issue of abortion. On the topic, she has nothing to offer. She would end up saying that Psalm 139 was the only verse on which pro-life Christians rest their case, at the expense of the thousands of other verses. She states that she’s embarrassed by the reaction of Christians and does not know how to navigate weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. While she understands that many Christians believe that life begins at conception, it was readily apparent she did not hold that view.
Comments left on the YouTube video by pro-abortion individuals pointed out the clickbait title employed by Emmanuel Acho who gave the impression that this would be an even sided discussion. Even the pagans knew that the pro-life side was not represented in this video.