Evangelical Dark Web is not only a news and commentary website, we also do research on potential false teachers, often at reader request. We wanted to do this with some sort of standard for what constitutes a false teacher. The goal was to due research on teachers that were not low hanging fruit or inspired reader intrigue. There was no usefulness, to us, in starting a ministry to “go after” Joel Osteen. In fact, we don’t have an agenda to “go after” anyone in particular or to never “go after” anyone also. With that said, we publish what we call “verdicts” which is the report of the extensive research. However, when new information surfaces, verdicts need to be updated. Today we announce two significant updates.
Priscilla Shirer From Category 3 to Category 4
A Category 3 represents the highest warning without labeling someone a false teacher. This constitutes a number of red flags that indicate a person should be avoided. A Category 4 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Because of evidence emerging that Priscilla Shirer has engaged in teaching the Prosperity Gospel, we have updated the verdict of Priscilla Shirer to reflect this false teaching. We believe that this evidence that emerged after initial publish is sufficient evidence to upgrade Shirer from a Category 3 to a Category 4.
Mike Todd Modalism
Michael Todd is a wolf in wolf’s clothing. However, a major component of this fact that is persuasive is the trinitarian heresy espoused by Todd. Considering his trajectory as one of the most influential pastors in the country, this update was necessary.
Evangelical Dark Web published one of the first reports on Michael Todd being a false teacher.