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Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Called Out For Supporting Side B Theology

Jared Moore is one of the few researchers tackling Side B Theology out there and in a recent interview with Jon Harris, he names names who have been aiding and abetting Side B theology in the church. Doug Wilson was perhaps the most surprising name to be named, but Jared Moore brought the receipts.

Side B theology teaches that homosexual orientation or attraction is not a sin, and the idea that sinful desires are not sinful is opposed to the Ten Commandments, Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount, and Reformed confessions of faith. But on the issue of homosexuality, Doug Wilson has a wavering position.

In a 2013 gay marriage debate at the University of Idaho, Doug Wilson clearly states that homosexuality, as an orientation, is not a sin.

This is reiterated in an August 2022 blog post answering questions.

Doug Wilson contradicts himself here by accepting the premise of homosexual orientation by rejecting the identity. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s fixed identity. This is not dissimilar from Al Mohler repenting denying orientation in 2014.


The fact of the matter is that there is more evidence of Doug Wilson supporting Side B theology and he has not taken corrective action towards this past heretical position.

It’s quite odd to see the postmillennial theonomist be compromised on the issue of homosexuality. Nevertheless, here we are and we urge Doug Wilson to repent.

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