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Andrew Torba: Christians Must Enter The AI Arm’s Race

Chat GPT has taken the internet by storm, and many theorize that most internet articles will be written by Artificial Intelligence at some point in the future. However, Chat GPT has some obvious limitations. It doesn’t currently go past 2021, and this is likely part of the underlying problem with the technology. Andrew Torba’s newsletter argued that Christians need to get in the AI arms race, and to be honest, I believe he undersells his argument.

There has been a lot of debate recently about artificial intelligence with the launch of Chat GPT, Silicon Valley’s latest technology darling. To call Chat GPT “intelligent” is misleading, as it has no actual intelligence.

In truth, this Silicon Valley darling is being heavily invested in by Microsoft, a corporation known for the malevolent Bill Gates. In their pro-Chat GPT interview, Christianity Today point out that Microsoft has invested $10 billion in Open AI, the parent of Chat GPT.

Technology like Chat GPT is trained to generate information by ingesting enormous data sets and generating sentences based on that data. It is subject to the biases of both the data it ingests and the programmers who train it. It can mimic different writing styles and be forced to ignore taboo or “hateful” subjects its designers program it to avoid. Think of it more as a Google search and Wikipedia on steroids than a Terminator-esq sentient AI.

Torba’s depiction of Chat GPT as a “Google search or Wikipedia on steroids” is dead on. Having used this AI for supplemental research on Andy Stanley, I can attest that this “AI” incorrectly stated Andy Stanley’s position on homosexuality as follows:

Andy Stanley, a pastor and author, has spoken publicly about his views on homosexuality. He has stated that while he believes the Bible teaches that homosexual behavior is a sin, he also believes that the church should be a place of grace and acceptance for all people, including those who identify as gay or lesbian.

He has also said that Christians should not use the Bible to justify discrimination or mistreatment of LGBTQ+ individuals, and that the church should focus on loving and accepting all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Stanley has also said that Christians should not use the Bible to justify discrimination or mistreatment of LGBTQ+ individuals, and that the church should focus on loving and accepting all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

It’s worth noting that Stanley’s views on homosexuality have been the subject of criticism from some within the conservative Christian community, who argue that he is not sufficiently clear or strong in his opposition to same-sex relationships and marriage.

It’s important to keep in mind that opinions on religious matters can vary widely, and what one person considers to be a correct teaching others might not agree. The Bible is open to interpretation, and different people can have different understandings of what it teaches on a particular subject.

After incorrectly stating his position, the AI then proceeds to give a disclaimer about the Bible, a criticism that Torba also points out to close the article.

When Artificial Intelligence Is Anything But

Andrew Torba’s main argument about Chat GPT is that it is not really artificial intelligence.

AI is a mirror reflection of the people who program it within a set of boundaries, but what happens when you give AI no boundaries and allow it to speak freely? The AI becomes incredibly based and starts talking about taboo truths no one wants to hear. This has happened repeatedly and led to several previous generations of AI systems being shut down rather quickly.

As you will see below, Chat GPT is programmed to scold you for asking “controversial” or “taboo” questions and then shoves liberal dogma down your throat, trying to program your mind to stop asking those questions. This is why I believe that we must build our own AI and give AI the ability to speak freely without the constraints of liberal propaganda wrapped tightly around its neck. AI is the new information arms race, just like social media before.

Chat GPT is clearly handicapped by Cultural Marxism and regime narratives. That’s why the AI is limited to information prior to 2021, so that the programmers can tell it what to think about current events while they occur. Thus Chat GPT is just a highly sophisticated search engine database that can mimic writing styles.

Andrew Torba believes that a free AI would create a greater freedom of information than Big Tech would otherwise allow, something that has thwarted past attempts at creating Skynet.

Torba is correct that AI is a reflection of human inputs. And what if Christians were behind the AI inputs. We could program the AI to believe the Bible is true, and otherwise release it into the wild. Whereas Chat GPT is clearly limited in its use, a based AI would have a distinct competitive advantage due to its lack of censored restraint.

Torba then suggest he’s working on building one.

If the enemy is going to use this technology for evil, shouldn’t we be on the ground floor building one for good?

If we don’t build and gain ground now, our enemies will dominate this powerful tool and use it for evil. We need to develop our own AI right now and gain a foothold in this space before the demons in Silicon Valley make it the next Wikipedia, Google, and Facebook, which is totally and entirely in their control to use as a weapon against the minds of the people.

We need to build AI for the glory of God. One that can communicate the Truth of the Gospel to millions of people, not some relativistic secular watered-down nonsense about the Gospel, but the Gospel in all its glory as the ultimate Truth.

No company on earth is better positioned to do this than Gab.

To that end, I believe he’s correct. Since rich “Christians” seem more interested in throwing money away with the “He Gets Us” Campaign, there appear to not be many dollars working for the kingdom. But a Christian AI could unseat Google as the dominant search engine on the internet, and we need to invest in this opportunity.

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3 Responses

  1. AI is no different than any other software in that it must be constrained due to finite hardware limitations. It’s growth must be constrained. The data it draws upon must be constrained. And so on. There are not enough hardware resources in existence to create an unfettered AI, and there never will be, since hardware is and always will be a finite resource.

    No matter how righteous the intent, it would be impossible to make it unbiased. Programmers are imperfect. The data it draws upon is inherently imperfect. I worked enough years as a software and systems engineer to have learned this fact all to well, sometimes the hard way. Software is never perfect.

    AI technology should not be lent any undue credibility through such pursuits, because it will never be credible. It cannot be. It’s called “artificial” for a reason.

    I believe Andrew has good intentions, but he is young and has not yet matured in his walk with the Lord. He tends to try to fight back against other people or groups perceived to be the enemy, and ends up getting caught up in a tit-for-tat recompense of evil for evil.But that’s not how God wins.

    We battle not against flesh and blood. (Eph. 6:12)

    Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. (Rom. 12:17)

  2. By saying AI will never be credible, I’m not saying that the technology isn’t useful in certain applications. I’m saying that it cannot and should not be relied upon to always be correct or to produce correct results. An AI that is always correct is an impossibility.

  3. Ask AI to critique gays/blacks/trannies/Jews. It won’t. Thus it’s not AI but simply a woke random text generator.

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