Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

SBC’s Unify Project: Syncretizing CRT with Lent

Since it is Black History Month, there is no better time for the Southern Baptist Convention to exercise a collective lament to the genuine and perceived racism of the past and present, and because Southern Baptists can never do enough to rectify past grievances, they require a new solution. As perhaps one of few lasting […]

SBC Disfellowships Saddleback Church; Warren Equates Himself to Christ The Southern Baptist Convention might be overtaken by the feminism, but there is still cognizance to the question of “What is a pastor?” Though there are plenty of homosexuality affirming churches, like FBC Orlando and The Church by the Glades, the one red line in the sand is female pastors, which remains the unifying […]

SBC Wants To Pay Pro-Homosexual Law Firm $2 Million To Build Slander Website

The Southern Baptist Convention announced that the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force recommends that Guidepost Solutions build their database website of pastors “credibly accused” of sex abuse. Guidepost Solutions is a the pro-grooming lawfirm that the Southern Baptist Convention contracted to investigate sex abuse and sex abuse coverups. They revealed no unknown instances of sex […]