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Karen Swallow Prior

Karen Swallow Prior To Leave Southeastern Seminary

A feminist icon in the Southern Baptist Convention announced on Twitter that she would not be returning to her position at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary next semester. Karen Swallow Prior has long been a controvesial figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, fooling many, even Tom Buck. Unfortunately for the Bucks, Karen Swallow Prior was at the epicenter of a conspiracy to blackmail Tom Buck using an unedited manuscript of his wife, Jennifer, which was then taken out of context to smear Tom Buck. Tom Buck has been applying pressure on SEBTS ever since, and perhaps this is the direct result of a sustained campaign.

Citing not being suited for SBC politics, she announced her departure. It’s unclear what her next move will be, but as a liberal Southern Baptist writer, she will be an in-demand free agent for Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, or some liberal seminary to pursue. 

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One Response

  1. Sadly, my head is swimming with all the “he said, she said”, secular-ish leaks, conflicting statements coming from former highly respected people. This kind of theological “swamp loaded with vipers” has trickled down to many mainline SBC churches.
    After years of being a substitute pastor for numerous SBC churches, my wife and I had enough of the “honest-looking” faces doing despicable things laced with lies upon lies.
    Back-stabbing was the least of our concerns, profound dishonesty and grievous actions, by professing SBC “Christians”, made us decide to never again be a sub speaker/pastor. It still saddens us that such exists in churches.

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