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woke enneagram

Exposed: The Enneagram Is Woke

Last week Big Eva figures gathered online to promote the Enneagram in the church. It was previously reported that Tyler Zach was hosting an Enneagram conference and landed Russell Moore among others to appear as speakers and panelists. Evangelical Dark Web has obtained exclusive recordings of the event and the first light we want to shine for the church to see is that the Enneagram is woke or at a minimum an easy tool for woke liberals to wield in the church.

The specific clips shown in this video/podcast of Evangelical Dark Web are from the panel discussion on “Women of Color and the Enneagram.” Predictably this was going to be woke. Surprisingly, a white lady named Sandra Maria Van Opstal has the lion’s share of words compared the Nicole Cox and Dayo Ajunaku who are both black.

Much of the conversation is about how racial, cultural stereotype play into “typing” people on the Enneagram and that the Enneagram is too often employed from a white perspective. In other words the Enneagram is too white.

Tyler Zach, the conference host, explains that the Enneagram helped shift his views on women leadership in the church, citing Deborah from the Old Testament. Tyler Zach explains how he reads Deborah as a Type 8 and therefore realized how the church needs Type 8 women in leadership. As an interesting side note, Russell Moore’s embrace of the Enneagram is strongly correlated to his embrace of female pastors.

But the climax would come with Sandra Maria Van Opstal going on an tirades about how the church needs to learn from corporate America and Hollywood to fix the “anemic state” of the church. At no point did she mention the church needing to learn from the Bible to address its issues. Instead the business world and Hollywood are lauded as examples for the church to follow.

Considering Nike and Bud Lite’s embrace of Dylan Mulvaney, following their lead is theological suicide. As for Hollywood’s influence, every redheaded pastor would be replaced by a black man or woman, and there will be an unnecessary gay pastor inserted into the liturgy after a person has long sat down in the pew. Yet corporate America and Hollywood’s affirmative action culture is what she wants the church to adopt unironically. She concludes her rant promising liberation.

The Enneagram is a tool that people infiltrating the church are bringing in and hitching to false ideology whether egalitarianism or Social Justice. 

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One Response

  1. I’m glad you are exposing this information. So many in our churches are unaware of this and all it entails. I’ve come across a site that provides much information about enneagrams. Christian Answers for the New Age. The site author has investigated this so much, and has led in exposing the history and misleading information about it.

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