Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel

Making The Christian Nationalist Statement More Based

On Monday, a group of Christian Nationalists unveiled a statement in the similar fashion of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, called the Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel. The statement they put out was a draft statement in which they were soliciting comments and feedback. As promised within 48 hours, I have provided my feedback.

There are a number of superficial changes related to formatting that were made. But there are a few key differences. Most significantly, Article 18 Just War was enlightenment philosophy superimposed on a Christian statement with tangential support from Scripture. As desirable as Just War theory sounds, it simply isn’t grounded in Scripture and to apply Just War Theory to the text would actually impute many Bible characters with sin, as they did not follow this enlightenment philosophy. Instead we overhauled Article 18, grounding it in Scripture and even adding in a provision about God calling some Christians to serve in the military and that women should have no combat roles. Both of which were absent in the original draft.

Additionally, we added a provision in Article 10 that specifies that a Christian Nation has no duty to protect, honor, and support the contemporary nation-state of Israel. As this section condemns foreign bodies and their interests superseding national interests, this seemed to be a fitting delineation in which Christian Nationalists are generally unified around.

Lastly I spelled out Homosexual, Transvestite, Pedophile Agenda. I do not believe that Christians should use Satan’s language on this issue. So I believe we should spell it out and say what we really mean.

If you want to see how the initial draft compares to what is presented below, click this link: Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel Changes Compare

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CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM is a set of governing principles rooted in Scripture’s teaching on Christ’s rule as supreme Lord and King of all creation, Who has ordained civil magistrates with delegated authority to be under Him, over the people, to order their ordained jurisdiction by punishing evil and promoting good for His own glory and the common good of the nation (Isaiah 9:6-7; John 1:1-3; 3:35; 17:2; Ephesians 1:20-21; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:15-18; Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:14; Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37-39).


While Christian Nationalism is primarily concerned with the righteous rule of the civil magistrate, Christian Nationalism is not just for magistrates, just as submitting to Christ’s Lordship is not just for magistrates but for all people. After the Lord Jesus declared His sovereign authority (Matthew 28:18), He gives the Great Commission and commands His followers, empowered by His everlasting presence, to make disciples of “all nations” and to baptize them and “teach them to obey all that I have commanded” (Matthew 28:19-20). Our Lord did not exclude all civil authorities’ devoted allegiance to Him.

We recognize the existence of other definitions of Christian Nationalism. We certainly do not endorse every iteration of Christian Nationalism and explicitly repudiate some such forms, as will be evident in our affirmations and denials.

You may sign this document and delineate if you affirm civil authorities legislating both tables of the law or only the second table after the article.

​We are honored to receive signatures now if you affirm the statement as it stands. We do not accept anonymous signatures. In July, we will host an editorial summit to discuss any necessary amendments followed the next day by a conference (details forthcoming). 

Authors: James Silberman, Dusty Deevers. Contributing Editors: William Wolfe, Joel Webbon, Jeff Wright, Cory Anderson, Ben Woodring

We affirm and deny the following propositions:




​1. The Source of Truth

WE AFFIRM that the Bible is God’s Word, breathed out by Him as the only sufficient, certain, inerrant, infallible, necessary, and final authority for all saving knowledge, faith (what we must believe), and obedience (how we must live). All truth claims and ethical standards must be tested by God’s final Word, which is Scripture alone. We affirm that the Bible is perspicuous in all essential matters.

WE DENY that true beliefs, good character, or good conduct can be dictated by any authority other than God’s revelation.


Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Psalm 19:7-10; Isaiah 8:20; Hebrews 4:12; 13:4; 2 Peter 1:19-21.​

​2. Orthodox Christian Faith

WE AFFIRM the orthodox Christian faith as defined by the historic “creeds” (e.g., Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed), which the Christian church throughout church history has universally affirmed.

WE DENY that orthodoxy is defined by any particular “confessions.”


Scripture: Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 15:1-5; 1 Timothy 3:2, 9; 4:1, 6; 5:8; 6:3, 10, 21; Titus 2:1; Jude 3.​

  1. The Standard of Justice

WE AFFIRM that God’s Word is authoritative on everything to which it speaks, and we affirm that God’s Word speaks abundantly regarding the nature and importance of civil government and justice. We affirm that God’s moral law is enduring and binding on all people, including civil magistrates and nations, throughout all time and that it is summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments. We further affirm that every political thought must be taken captive to the obedience of Christ.

WE DENY that there is any objective standard by which to discern justice from injustice outside of God’s revelation, written on the heart and most perfectly revealed in Scripture. We deny that governing officials may rule autonomously from the rule of Christ, and we deny that Christians may embrace any political ideology or position not rooted in Scripture.


Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Isaiah 42:4; Matthew 5:17; Isaiah 1:10-17; Amos 5:10-24; 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, Exodus 20:1-17; Romans 2:14-15.

  1. The Definition of a Nation

WE AFFIRM that a nation is not merely an idea, abstract principle, or ideology but tangibly defined by a particular people in a particular place. We affirm that a particular people are necessarily bound together by both a shared culture and history and may be comprised of multiple ethnicities while sharing common interests, virtues, languages, and worship. We affirm in regard to “place” that a nation is definitively set by both its borders and times physically defined by God (Acts 17:26). Thusly, we affirm that nations should rightly maintain autonomous government and sovereign control of their people and place, with the necessary rights and duties to: (1) prioritize the safety, prosperity, and wellbeing of their defined, limited national citizenry first and foremost before seeking the good of non-citizens and the global population; (2) secure their borders; (3) punish evil within their jurisdiction; (4) reward that which is good in their jurisdiction; and (5) establish a necessary defense against potential foreign adversaries. 

WE DENY that a nation should cede its sovereignty to international bodies that may subvert the will of the national interest for a global order. We deny any efforts to establish a “one world” governmental system before the return of Christ, as such efforts are a modern-day reenactment of the Tower of Babel. We further deny that sovereign nations must be composed of mono-ethnic populations in order to honor God. Therefore, as Christian Nationalists, we utterly repudiate sinful ethnic partiality in all its various forms.


Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9; Deuteronomy 1:17; 16:19-20; Psalm 2:8; 22;27; 82:2-4; Isaiah 2:2-3; 49:6-8; John 7:24; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 17:25-26; 20:21; Colossians 3:11; 1 Timothy 5:21; James 2:1-6, 9; 3:17; 1 Peter 1:17; Revelation 7:9.

  1. The Nature of Christ’s Lordship and Kingdom

WE AFFIRM that in addition to possessing the titles of Savior, Messiah, and many others, Jesus, the Son of God, Who is truly God, is also the King of all earthly kings, the Lord of all earthly lords, and the Lawmaker for all earthly lawmakers. He is the possessor of all authority in heaven and on earth. We affirm that as God, Jesus Christ is preeminent over all creation, sovereignly rules over all things visible and invisible in heaven, earth, and hell, and ordains all things according to the counsel of His perfect will for the good of those who are in Him. In His mediatorial rule, Christ rules by His Spirit and Word through earthly authority, which He divinely has ordained to execute His will on the earth to orient humankind toward Himself. We affirm that Christ alone, through the blood of His cross, grants repentance and forgiveness of sins to reconcile sinners to His Father.

WE DENY any theology which would seek to segregate sacred aspects of life, where God’s Word is authoritative, and supposedly secular aspects of life, where the Christian must operate by a standard other than God’s Word. We deny any theology which claims that bringing God’s Word into the civil sphere is unwise, unfruitful, sinful, or anything other than fitting and required. We deny that Jesus’ kingship and lordship are merely heavenly or that His Word is only authoritative over confessing Christians.


Scripture: Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:36; Ephesians 1:19-23; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:16-17; 2:9-10; Revelation 1:4-5; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:11-16. 

  1. The Identity of Civil Officials and the Source of Their Authority

WE AFFIRM that civil officials are God’s deacons of justice. Therefore, they must obey His commands and rule under His authority. We affirm that all human authorities, including civil officials, possess authority only as it has been delegated to them by God and, accordingly, are accountable to Him for how they wield their delegated authority in accordance with God’s prescriptions for civil government as revealed in His Word.

WE DENY the authority of civil officials and decrees to contradict what God has said in His Word or to govern beyond the bounds God’s Word has established for them.


Scripture: Romans 13:1-4; Acts 5:29; Exodus 1:15-22; Daniel 3; John 19:11; Psalm 2:10-12; 1 Timothy 6:13-16.

  1. The Duty of Civil Authorities

WE AFFIRM that God has armed civil magistrates with the sword of justice to promote citizens’ welfare without partiality by (1) writing and enforcing just laws (as God defines just) which are a terror to those who do evil (as God defines evil), (2) defending and approving those who do good (as God defines good), and (3) avenging victims of crimes with proportional punishments for evildoers.

We affirm that civil authorities must ensure that the church shall enjoy the full, free, and unquestioned liberty of discharging every part of their sacred functions without violence or danger. The civil authorities must discharge this duty without showing favoritism to, or bias against, any Christian denomination for their historic beliefs and teachings; this includes, but is not limited to, their teachings and beliefs concerning the immutability of biological sex, the union of marriage as existing solely between one man and one woman, and other historic Christian teachings on sexual morality. We affirm that the government has the right to intervene to prevent or stop any ceremonial “religious” practices that violate the natural law and welfare of mankind, including but not limited to child sacrifice, female genital mutilation, cultic polygamy, child sexual exploitation acts of religious masochism, financial scams, and so forth.

WE DENY that civil authorities are tasked with being the primary caretakers of citizens or educators of children, as these duties belong primarily to families and the Church. We deny that the civil government should endeavor to take on these responsibilities, and we deny that they do so to the benefit of society. Rather, such “charity” displaces families by creating a culture of dependence upon a “nanny” state, and its education often debauches children with godless philosophies and perverse instruction. We deny that, in Scripture, God ever approves of tolerance toward depravity like child sacrifice, mutilation, and drag queen story hour. We would follow our King, and He does no such thing.


Scripture: Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:22-25; Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:16-17; Deuteronomy 16:18-20; Romans 13:1-4; 1 Timothy 2:2.

  1. The Purpose of Civil Government

WE AFFIRM that God’s purpose for civil government is to orient citizens toward the true and eternal through the establishment of justice for His glory and the good of His image bearers, whether or not they possess saving faith. We affirm that unjust laws, examples aforementioned, often debauch a people and that just laws often have an evangelistic impact. 

WE DENY that the purpose of civil government is to establish a secular, neutral, godless order, and we deny that any government is capable of neutrality because every individual and system has moral preferences and functional gods (i.e., ultimate allegiances and ultimate standards by which they judge reality). We further deny that natural law is a standard different or apart from God’s moral and universal law summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments. We deny that consent is a standard for morality in law.


Scripture: Matthew 12:30; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17, 23; 1 Peter 4:10-11; 2 Peter 3:18.

  1. Sphere Sovereignty

WE AFFIRM that God has established spheres of authority such as the home (or family, to include one’s self and individual conscience and household economics), the Church, and the state. We affirm that God has given unique responsibilities and instructions to authorities within each sphere. Authorities in each sphere are subject to the rule of Christ, each retaining sovereignty over its own sphere while being checked and balanced by the others. Parents, as the authority in the home, wield the “rod” for the purposes of instruction, training, and discipline in wisdom and righteousness. The Church wields the “keys of the kingdom” for the binding and loosing of gospel professions and God’s Word in preaching the law and gospel for conversion, sanctification, and discipline. The state wields the “sword” as God’s servants to maintain justice and civil order by punishing evildoers, avenging the innocent, commending the good, and ensuring that wholesome societal conditions are righteously upheld so that all men may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

We affirm that Jesus Christ has appointed over His Church both government and discipline, and no law of any government should interfere or hinder the due exercise thereof among the voluntary members of any denomination of Christians, according to their own profession and belief.

WE DENY that human authority in any sphere possesses absolute or unchecked authority, even within their sphere, as Christ delegates all human authority; therefore, all are accountable to Christ and His moral law.

We deny that civil authorities may assume to themselves the administration of the Word and sacraments or the power of the keys of the kingdom of heaven but must be uniquely protective of the free exercise of the Christian faith according to the dictates of conscience under the orthodox Christian faith.


Scripture: Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Ephesians 6:1-4; 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 62:11; Proverbs 8:15-16; Jeremiah 27:5; Daniel 2:21; 4:32; 5:21; John 19:11; Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Revelation 1:5; 17:14; 19:16; 2 Chronicles 26:18; Matthew 16:19; 18:17; 1 Corinthians 12:28–29; Ephesians 4:11–12; 1 Corinthians 4:1–2; Romans 10:15; Hebrews 5:4; John 18:36; Acts 5:29; Ephesians 4:11–12; Psalm 104:15; Acts 18:14–15.

  1. On Nationalism and Policy Priorities

WE AFFIRM that nations possess an inviolable right to establish justice and safeguard the peace and prosperity of their own citizens in the face of unjust international pressures. We affirm that the specific, short-term priorities of Christian Nationalism, in the context of the United States, are repentance and faith, which lead to: the criminalization of abortion; the defeat of the Homosexual, Transvestite, Pedophile agenda; placing parents in control of education; caring for widows and orphans; and de-weaponizing the federal and state bureaucracies which target Christians for censorship and persecution, securing our borders, recapturing our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, etc., and exercising far more restraint in American international military intervention and adventurism in overseas “democracy building.” We affirm that different forms of government can achieve just laws, and we do not seek to coerce nations into one particular form of government.

WE DENY that seeking to maintain and assert national sovereignty against wicked, global entities has anything to do with dislike for any particular race or nation. We deny that the sin of racism has any place in the Church of Jesus Christ or in a nation that seeks to honor Him, on the contrary, a Christian nation would be impartial in judgment. We further deny that a Christian Nation has a duty to protect, honor, and support the contemporary nation-state of Israel.

Scripture: Jonah 3:6-10; Exodus 20:12; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Exodus 20:13, Genesis 1:27, 5:2; Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Ephesians 6:1-4; 14:28-29; Romans 13:1-4; Deuteronomy 16:18-20.

  1. Big Picture Agenda

WE AFFIRM that the Christian Nationalist project entails national recognition of essential Christian Orthodoxy (Article 2) as a Christian consensus under Jesus Christ, the supreme Lord and King of all creation, and the establishment of the general equity of the Ten Commandments as the foundational law of the nation. We affirm the responsibility of civil authorities to protect the soul, not to convert the soul.



WE AFFIRM that the Christian Nationalist project entails national recognition of essential Christian Orthodoxy (Article 2) as a Christian consensus under Jesus Christ, the supreme Lord and King of all the world, and the establishment of the general equity of the second table of the Ten Commandments as the foundational law of the nation, with warnings informing of the consequences of blaspheming the One, True, and Living God often resulting in second table violations, namely, the harming of our neighbors’ lives and property.


WE DENY that laws against public blasphemy coerce conversion or hinder religious liberty in private. 

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:1-22; Matthew 22:36-40; Romans 3:20-21; 13:8-10; James 2:8-10.

  1. On the Vocation and Calling of Christian Officials and Legislators

WE AFFIRM that in God’s ordinary providence, He works in the world, by His grace through the Holy Spirit, through human means, to glorify Himself, in extending the mediatorial rule of Christ, by calling to and gifting Christians for vocation to rule according to His Word in civil government. We affirm that citizens are to submit to our rulers, as unto Christ, for His glory and our good. We affirm the need for more theologically sound Christians to enter the political realm to proclaim the excellencies of Christ and His Law while calling ungodly governments and governing officials to repentance.

WE DENY any theology which holds that Christian participation in the civil realm is necessarily unwise, unfruitful, sinful, or anything other than a fitting and necessary vocation and calling for Christians.


Scripture: Exodus 18:13-26; 20:12; Deuteronomy 1:17; 16:18-20; 17:1-20; Isaiah 1:17; Romans 13:1-4, 6; 1 Corinthians 7:7, 17; 2 Corinthians 9:8; 1 Timothy 6:18; 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

  1. The Great Commission

WE AFFIRM that Christ’s commissioning of His Church to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey all that He has commanded includes civil authorities who are to be called to repentance, faith, and obedience to Christ. We affirm that the Church is to instruct civil authorities regarding their identity and duties as rulers before the throne of Christ. We affirm that this duty is a Great Commission issue.

WE DENY that there is any sphere of life in which the command to “teach them to obey all that I have commanded” does not apply, including politics and government.

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 18:1-8; Philippians 2:9-11; 1 Corinthians 10:31. 

  1. The Uses of the Law

WE AFFIRM that applying the general equity (core moral principle) of the Ten Commandments to a nation’s laws: (1) reflects to citizens both the perfect righteousness of God and our own sinfulness and shortcomings; (2) secures civil order by restraining evil through protecting the righteous from the wicked; and (3), guides Christians into the good works that God has planned for them, and thus are an essential aspect of keeping the Great Commission in teaching all nations to “obey everything [Christ] commanded.”

We affirm that God issues His law in common grace based on being the Creator of all. We affirm that God issues His effectual call in the gospel based on being the Savior of many.

We affirm that no man will be saved by works done under the law, even just laws. Yet we affirm that the law is a tutor, and when laws are just, they accurately reflect the character of God, and in this way alone, just Christian governments serve the Church in its mission of evangelism. We affirm that civil authorities possessing a moral and spiritual foundation and orienting citizens toward a concept of truth and morality is an inescapable reality.

WE DENY that God intended the Law (as summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments) for application solely in the Old Covenant, but rather that it represents the enduring righteousness of God that is to be loved and obeyed for the good of man and the glory of God.


Scripture: Romans 3:20; 4:15; 5:13; 7:7-11; Galatians 3:19-24; Deuteronomy 13:6-11; 19:16-21; Romans 13:3, 4; Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:8; Ezekiel 36:27; Jeremiah 32:39-40.

  1. On the Distinction Between Law and Gospel

WE AFFIRM that the content of the gospel is the good news of God acting in the person and work of Jesus Christ to reconcile sinners and all of fallen creation to Himself. The essential elements of the gospel are: (1) God, Who created all things, is perfectly holy. (2) All men were created for God’s glory but have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and the deserved penalty of our sin is death and eternal damnation. (3) The Son of God, Jesus Christ, while maintaining His Divinity, became flesh in the womb of Mary, lived a sinless life, became sin on the cross, and, as a substitute, died the death that we deserve, rose from the dead three days later, and ascended to the right hand of the Father. And, (4) by the grace of Christ’s atoning work (both His passive and active obedience) on our behalf and through faith in that work, the free gift of salvation is offered to all who would repent of their sin and believe on Jesus Christ. We affirm that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone according to Scripture alone to the glory of God alone. 

We affirm that God gave Adam a Law of universal obedience written on his heart. This same Law continued to be a perfect rule of righteousness after the fall and was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai in Ten Commandments. Obedience to this moral Law is the delight of all who are born again in Christ, those empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and keep the Law. The general equity of this Law is the essential moral principle embedded by God in each command which: all men are bound by God to obey, reflects God’s holy character, and applies in various circumstances in each sphere of life.

We affirm that good works done by Christians in obedience to God’s commandments are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith and are valuable for assurance of salvation. We affirm that to keep the law is to love God completely and our neighbor as ourselves.

We affirm that living in a Christian nation oriented toward the true and the eternal provides cultural conditions conducive to the spread of the gospel for salvation, the perpetuation and thriving of the family, the preservation and advancement of the Christian church, and the abundance of common grace to the unbelieving. 

WE DENY that the content of the gospel includes obedience to the Law and that any work of obedience merits salvation. We deny that law-keeping contributes in any way to justification before God or declaring the sinner righteous based on anything other than faith on Christ in His passive and active obedience. We deny that the Law can be separated from the love of the personal God who gave the Law. We deny that citizenship in a God-glorifying, Christian nation or anything outside of the above affirmation has any saving power.


Scripture: Ezekiel 36:27; Matthew 5:16; Romans 1:16; 8:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Colossians 1:10; 2 Timothy 3:17; Titus 2:7, 14; 3:1, 8, 14; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter 2:12; 2 Peter 1:8.

  1. On Civil Disobedience

WE AFFIRM that categorical opposition to civil disobedience is idolatry of the State. We affirm that civil disobedience is the proper Christian response to civil dictates which: (1) command what God forbids; (2) forbid what God commands; (3) overstep their jurisdiction; (4) bind the conscience where God alone has jurisdiction; or, (5) have no basis in rationality (a just law is always a rational law). We affirm that lesser magistrates may and sometimes must disobey a lawless higher magistrate to obey God. For example, lesser magistrates–such as State governments, counties, and municipalities–must disregard any order, statute, or ruling from a higher magistrate–such as the Federal government–instructing them to allow abortion.

WE DENY that men’s consciences, homes, churches, or states are bound by legal or moral inventions of men apart from the Word of God. We further deny that civil authorities have the right to coerce or command obedience to the dictates of men apart from God’s Word. Moreover, we deny the authority of rulers to quelch civil disobedience if the free and necessary worship of the Triune God is being hindered.


Scripture: Daniel 3; Exodus 1:15-22; Acts 5:29; Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 24:6.

  1. Methodology

WE AFFIRM that the Kingdom of God does not advance by carnal means but by the working of the Spirit in bringing men to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We affirm that culture affects law, and that law also affects culture. We affirm that while political maneuvering and cultural expertise can be good and helpful, God works most powerfully through bold proclamation of His truth by His people. We affirm that God, in his ordinary providence, makes use of means yet is free to work without, above, and against them at His pleasure.

WE DENY that pragmatism should be the driving force behind the decision-making of a Christian movement. 


Scripture: Psalm 20:7; 1 John 5:1-5; Acts 27:31, 44; Isa 55:10–11; Hosea 1:7; Romans 4:19–21; Daniel 3:27.

  1. Just War

We affirm that, when at all possible, a Christian Nation should live in peace. We affirm that Christian Nations have the highest obligation to avoid fratricidal war between one another. We affirm that there is a time for peace and a time for war, and that such warfare be conducted only on just and necessary conditions. We affirm that some Christians have a vocational calling for military service. We affirm that human life be taken into account when warfare is conducted.

We deny that wars of regime change wars, wars to install democratic governments, and wars made and prolonged for the enrichment of the Military Industrials Complex are ever justified. We deny that the government has a right to compel Christian believers to fight an unjust war against their conscience. We deny that women have any role to play in combat.

Scripture: Romans 12:18; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Hebrews 12:14; Ecclesiastes 3:8; Exodus 22:2; Deuteronomy 20:10; 2 Corinthians 10:4; John 18:3-11, 36; Psalm 144:1; Genesis 1:27; 1 Peter 3:7; Isaiah 19:16

  1. Imago Dei and Equal Protection

WE AFFIRM that all civil authorities have a duty before God to uphold justice by establishing equal protection under the law for all image-bearers of God from the moment of fertilization, which is conception. We affirm that civil authorities must reject all partiality in judgment by asserting the same legal prohibitions and available sanctions against homicide that exist to protect persons after birth and persons before birth.

WE DENY that any law which classifies abortion as a lesser crime than homicide or which allows any class of humans to murder preborn children with legal immunity is a just law.


Scripture: Exodus 20:13; 22:22-24; 23:2-3; Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:16-17; 16:18-20; 24:17; 27:19; Psalm 82:1-4; 94:6; Proverbs 18:5; Isaiah 1:16-17, 23; 10:1-2; Jeremiah 5:28; 7:5-7; 21:12; 22:3; Ezekiel 45:9; Amos 5:15; Matthew 7:12; 22:39; 23:23; Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14; James 2:8; 3:9.

  1. On “Neutrality” and the Separation of Church and State

WE AFFIRM that the Church and the state each possess their own sovereign sphere of influence. For example, church officials ought not to write or enforce civil laws in their capacity as church officials, and civil officials ought not to administer ordinances or dictate doctrine in their capacity as civil officials. But both spheres are under the absolute authority of Christ.

WE DENY that the separation between the Church’s sphere of authority and that of the State means there must be a separation of the Christian worldview and the state. On the contrary, the state is doing its duty and fulfilling its purpose only insofar as it upholds its Biblical obligations before God. We further deny that there can ever be a separation between religion and state. Everyone possesses views about ultimate reality, purpose, and cause, which inform their morality and preferred policies. The question is not whether morality and religion will influence law, but whose morality and religion will influence law.


Scripture: Matthew 12:30. 


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11 Responses

  1. I agree with almost all of what was written though I do have several caveats. Is there any way to sign this document and if so is there any way to indicate any caveats that people may have?

  2. It’s a worthy exercise and worthy debate and discussion, though my personal belief is the Lord will return long before it ever would happen. I don’t see things getting any better from here on out. I believe we are very close to the final judgement. But I could be wrong. Nobody knows the day or hour, and we must keep going with that in mind.

    My thoughts are to just keep it within and according to God’s standards and only God’s standards. Don’t take away from, add to, or try to change. Don’t be like the pharisees who, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, added on a bunch of extra nonsense that God never commanded, ignored things that He did command, tried to change the Lord’s commands, essentially usurping God’s authority and trying to take His place.

    Don’t lean on your own understanding. Don’t let your own vision and means to get there crowd out God’s vision and the standards He has put into place.

    And don’t be hypocrites.

    Jesus went to great lengths to try to get these simple truths through the pharisees arrogant thick skulls, and they still rejected Him and that simple message, to the point that they would rather kill Him than to yield and submit to God.

    We have God’s written word. No one need try to take His place or to make it up as they go.

    If you can manage to stick to God’s standards and only God’s standards, you’ll be alright. If you can humbly yield to God’s word just as everyone else, repenting and correcting when and where it convicts, courageously and confidently standing according to it, then you’ll be alright. If there ever is a chance that this, or any other, country could become a Christian nation, that’s the only way it could happen. And it is also the way with the greatest probability that it could happen peacefully.

    1. The pharisees had it backwards and upside down. Lording over people with a bunch of made-up nonsense, and so on.

      God’s design is “to whom much is given, much is required”. Those that God puts in positions of leadership have a greater responsibility to Him, a greater requirement to yield and submit to Him in all ways, and will be held the most accountable by Him. God’s design for leadership is servitude. First serving Him, and second serving and caring for the flock, in fulfillment of obligations to Him, constantly, continually, and faithfully aware of obligations and accountability to Him, in great fear of the Lord.

      It’s true that such a model is more republican than democratic (with the words referring to model of government and not current political parties). The flock isn’t running the show. It’s not mob rule. Though the flock does have the right and obligation to hold up God’s word, and to rebuke leaders as necessary, as we all have the right and obligation to rebuke one another, and to be open to rebuke, as iron sharpens iron. But it also isn’t a model akin to the governance of the pharisees where the leaders run the show, and make it up as they go.

      It’s a model where God runs the show.

      It’s very similar to the model put in place by the founders of this country, but with some significant differences.

    2. It is a model that can be diagrammed on paper to look like a hierarchy, But it is not a hierarchy. All parts of the body of Christ are of importance and significance, to a degree that only He can know and comprehend. Leadership is a gift, responsibly, and task just like any other.

      I’d say one of the most important things to consider, if not the most important, would be the mechanism by which those in positions of leadership are held accountable to God’s word, and removed when necessary.

      One good example we see these days is denominations which have become the most corrupt and apostate also tend to not have a proper model of governance, according to God’s design. They don’t have “to whom much is given, much is required” – they have an upside down and backwards pharisee-like model which amounts to “to whom much is given, little is required”. The flock has very little means by which it can hold leadership accountable. Such a model is very easily corrupted. AS time passes, it quickly becomes a matter of “teaching for doctrine the commandments of men”, adding to, taking from, and trying to change the commandments of God, and the His word is shoved into a drawer somewhere, or left collecting dust on the shelf. Ultimately the flock can vote with their feet and leave. But if you’re talking about a national government, that’s not an option.

      There is much to consider. It’s an excellent learning exercise even if it would never actually happen.

    3. If it’s a sin it’s a sin.
      If it’s not, it’s not.

      I’m not sure God could’ve possibly made it any simpler for us. That’s about as simple as it gets.

    4. Of course one way people tend to over-complicate and confuse matters is failing to understand the difference between sins/trespasses against the Lord and sins/trespasses against one another. Many don’t understand the difference.

      Our current system is similar in that it distinguishes criminal law and civil law. Civil law exists within the constraints of criminal law (in the same manner that what constitutes a sin/trespass against a brother is dependent upon what God has defined as sin/trespass against Himself – first love God, second love thy neighbor, which is dependent on the first), but criminal law doesn’t address every minute detail of civil law, or the multitude of disagreements that could possibly arise.

      Some mechanism to address that distinction is needed also.

      There’s no question the Christian Nationalism debate is a worthy exercise. It will certainly make you think, no doubt about that.

      1. That’s partly what’s happening right now with the rainbow cultists. Many have the wrong idea that the only type of sin is trespasses against others. Thereby perverting the grace of God into a license for immorality, as Jude warns.

        Even satanists say “do no harm”

        I’ve seen professing Christians try to make such arguments “it’s not a sin because it doesn’t harm anyone else”

        The rainbow cultists are sinning against God and His created order. They will claim no one is harmed, as they simultaneously attempt to force, extort, and coerce others into approving and supporting that which God has specifically condemned and forbidden. Ultimately their sins against the Lord affect everyone.

        They are like the pharisees as well. Adding, removing, changing.

        And this is one major difference between our current system and a Godly system. In our current system, crime is pretty much solely defined by that which infringes on the rights of others (ultimately according to, and prioritized by, somebody’s subjective opinion). It doesn’t take into account what God says is right and wrong.

    5. The models are so similar that you could just about set God’s word right above the Constitution, and the job would be about 90% done.

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