Late last month, we reported that Mike Stone had announced his candidacy for President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Evidently many of the conservative Southern Baptists actually seem to think that running Mike Stone is a good idea. So, it’s probably time to break the news that Mike Stone is a terrible candidate to run against Bart Barber, of which I seem to be the first to vocalize this opinion which I did on the day he announced.
Simply put Mike Stone ran in 2021 and lost in the runoff to Ed Litton. This was not a particularly close race as 60% of messengers voted for a liberal candidate in the first ballot. This was a massive turnout differential to overcome, and it didn’t happen at SBC22. Tom Ascol got crushed and Mike Stone gave the nominating speech. The speech itself was actually decent, but it wasn’t enough. So Mike Stone has high name ID among the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, and yet his defeat seems inevitable because they aren’t campaigning to drive turnout. His messaging is liberal and bland.
When we reported on his announcement, I alluded to his Mitt Romney-esque announcement video in which he embraced the premise of the fake sex abuse narrative in the SBC but just wants to solve it more sustainably.
Compound Stone’s messaging with the fact that SBC’s lawyers are arguing in court that the Guidepost Report is hearsay in their efforts to make it inadmissible in court. So Southern Baptist paid for this report and the only thing that it’s evidence of is self-incriminating statements that will be used against the tithe money that funds the SBC.
The SBC has a woman pastor problem and this issue goes unmentioned in Mike Stones announcement. Egalitarianism is an issue that would get people to New Orleans. Making Guidepost recommendations sustainable is not.
Mike Stone can’t win if the issue is sex abuse. This issue has been hijacked by liberals with their own agendas. It would be like a Republican trying to campaign on fixing climate change. It’s a losing issue if that’s the focus.
Meanwhile the Conservative Baptist Network is rerunning the messaging of “Change The Direction” which fails to communicate the issue. Clearly lesson weren’t learned. And we can see Bat Barber cruising to victory despite a record of incompetency.
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4 Responses
The SBC has historically been dominated by democrats since it was first formed, as it was formed for political reasons. It has always been Pharisaical, and was formed for the very purpose of adding to and taking away from scripture. It was formed to worship Him in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For purposes of maintaining severely unbiblical traditions such as chattel slavery, segregation, racism, while also imposing a bunch of extra-biblical traditions akin to only taking a certain number of steps on the sabbath. Though significant repentance and correction has taken place since, much of that tradition still remains. It is still, to this day, dominated by democrats with political agendas, who would honor and serve party platform long before they’d bother to serve the Lord and honor His word.
Like it or not, that’s the truth.
Electing a president who’s actually a Bible-believing Christian with a Biblical worldview, would be a tremendous improvement. But I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
And that doesn’t mean electing a politically-minded republican either, especially since the republican party has embraced and endorsed abominable sin.
It means what was said and only what was said – a Bible-believing Christian.
I grew up in it. I speak from experience.
It may be one of the better denominations remaining, still somewhat holding on against the tide of wickedness, but that’s not an honor to the SBC as much as it is severe condemnation of all others. As bad as the SBC is, they’re worse.
In most “churches” these days, those who reject God’s word are standing behind the pulpit and sitting in the front row, while those who do not reject His word are typically despised, if not run out of the “church” entirely.
We are told to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, but it begs the question, who’s “yourselves”
I cannot think of any major denominations that are not deserving of severe repudiation and rebuke, and in need of major repentance. They’re not worthy of being called “churches” much less followers of Jesus Christ.
I remember one time I said something that was self-deprecating humor to a cousin, much younger than me. I don’t remember what it was – something along the lines of calling myself a dummy or something. Just usual conversation. Now, as a man, and the oldest son in that family, I tend to think it’s good to teach the young boy not to think too highly of himself, and to not look up to me as a hero, but to look up to the Lord. I know that is right in line with scripture.
Well, his mother, my aunt, who was in the other room at the time, goes ballistic, claiming that putting myself down in front of him is “abusive”
I don’t know what in the sam hill. Would that mean one should be an arrogant braggart who believes he’s as perfect and faultless as Jesus Himself? lol smh
That’s the only time I’ve ever been accused of “abuse” and that’s how ridiculous it was.
So I also know from experience, growing up in it, 99.9999% of the time when they holler “abuse!” it’s because they’re just plain flat-out messed up in the noggin. It’s always the individual’s own fault. As Rom. 1 says, all are without excuse. She has a Bible and she’d not illiterate – there’s no excuse. But that said, she was raised by a man, my grandfather, who was one of those who cared more about being a democrat than he ever cared about being a Christian, who actually was abusive, physical and otherwise, yet he was at the local SBC church every time the doors were open, and was highly respected. And He was raised by the same. Ultimately, somewhere along the line,you will find a man who failed to lead, and failed to fulfill his responsibility to the Lord.