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Tim Keller

False Teacher Tim Keller Dies

On Friday morning, it was announced that Tim Keller had passed away, shortly after announced that he was placed in hospice care after a long battle with cancer.

Tim Keller is a well-known pastor, author, and theologian who has had a significant impact on contemporary Christian thought. He is associated with the Reformed tradition and has been influential in promoting a thoughtful and intellectually engaged approach to Christianity. He is the founder of The Gospel Coalition and Redeemer Presbyterian Church NYC.

Keller’s teachings and writings often explore the intersection of faith and culture, seeking to address the challenges faced by Christians in a secular society. He emphasizes the importance of engaging with intellectual and cultural issues.

Discerning Christians have raised concerns about specific aspects of his teachings, such as his views on biblical inerrancy, the nature of salvation, and his approach to Social Justice issues. Evangelical Dark Web concluded that Tim Keller was a false teacher. Moreover. Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter did an entire podcast series to this end. Tim Keller was routinely exposed in the Enemies Within The Church documentary for his advancement of the Social Justice Gospel. Almost every battle facing the modern church, Keller was on the wrong side of, including homosexuality, Critical Race Theory, Branch Covidianism, and theistic evolution. His ministry, The Gospel Coalition, is a behemoth at the forefront of leading the church astray. In the last couple of year, Keller made it clear that this is his legacy, rather than the books and teachings that were a benefit to many actual believers. 

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One Response

  1. Thank you for telling the truth about Tim Keller. He has done a great disservice to those who might be seeking better understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I mentioned this on another website, a woman responded quite indignantly, that social justice IS the gospel of our Lord. Paul warned about those who preach a “different” gospel.

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