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The Chosen Gay

The Chosen Supports Homosexuality

The Chosen has acquired a cult following among many believers. Millions of Evangelicals, Catholics, and Mormons have funded and watched the series. However, The Chosen is not without glaring issues. Evangelical Dark Web has done a series of episodic reviews, generally finding the series to not meet the standards of good television nor a faithful adaptation of Scripture. Yet behind the scenes there are major concerns. The Chosen is funded and distributed through Angel Studios which is a Mormon owned company giving the series a group to cater to in its writing. Showrunner, Dallas Jenkins, has in the past unsuccessfully attempted to settle the issue over the Mormon influence on the show.

But now it would appear the the makers of The Chosen support homosexuality. In a promotional behind the scenes video of the series and their upcoming fourth season, gay flags can be scene both prominently displayed on set and worn by the crew.Image

At the 25 second mark, 3 gay flags are seen prominently displayed. The video promoting this was released over the weekend and has over 50000 views on YouTube.

It’s unsurprising that the people making The Chosen would be liberals as the Mormon church has come out in support of homosexual marriage. Yet what is surprising is that The Chosen would not cover up their support of sodomy while claiming to be a Christian show.

It is a reasonable expectation that crew members not show their support of buggery on the set of a TV series about Jesus. Furthermore it is a reasonable expectation that Dallas Jenkins would not allow anti-Christ messaging on the set of his show. Perhaps out of hubris, the support of homosexuality was allowed to be published on YouTube.

H/T: @biblicallibs

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4 Responses

  1. Saw the full clip. The flag is on the camera in his chair and he’s wearing some kind of pride paraphernalia. So here’s a question for people who know the legal system. I’m guessing that everyone on such a large filming crew is a believer. Could you ask them, without legal consequences, to take down the flag and not wear the clothing etc?

  2. The religious subject matter of the show should allow for a an exception to antidiscrimination law. Also they are shooting in Texas, I think which should help.

  3. ALL of the women I know who love the Chosen are conservatives and they read the bible all the time. Dallas is an idiot. I hate the Chosen. I’m glad you covered it.

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