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Greg Locke

Greg Locke Repents Of Being Too Political, Deletes Thousands Of Videos

Greg Locke is one of the most controversial pastors in America and deservedly so. Having gone viral in 2015 for opposing Target’s transgender bathrooms, he became known as the Trump pastor who has appeared on Fox News and CNN. He’s also known for a nasty divorce in which he remarried his church’s secretary. In a recent sermon, he announced that he deleted thousands of videos which had gotten billions of views. He does not say that what he said in the videos was wrong but rather it was childish.

This is ongoing in Locke’s shift in focus from the political to the demonic. Greg Locke is currently promoting his documentary demonic exorcism, “Come Out in Jesus Name.” Deliverance ministry has become a major focus of Locke.

Locke states how many people would saw off their arm to get the social media views that he got and his church because “guilt by association.” He says that he’s now walking humbly and no longer focused on social media influence and being caught up in Christian showmanship.

Giving a speech to piano backdrop to appeal to emotion to make the banal seem profound was also the tenor of the video. And this is part of Locke’s shift into charismaticism. Whether Greg Locke is genuine is to be seen.

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4 Responses

  1. You’re calling out guys like Mark Dever and Chris Rosebrough as “false teachers,” but leaving the door open for, of all people, Greg Locke? The guy who coordinated his supposed theological shift towards charismatic heresies with the release of a movie and a book? You might have lost the plot, Mr. Fava.

  2. Apologies if the article comes off as an endorsement of Greg Locke. I certainly thought it was clear he’s not trustworthy in the article and i also question how humble it is to delete videos after they already “made it,” but it serves a purpose of a documented shift in his theology. As it was a news article not a verdict, i kept commentary more limited. I did have a followup in mind for this particular article with a poor development for Locke.

  3. For clarification, I never said Rosebrough was a false teacher, I said he became a regime apologist rather than the discernment blogger he started out as.

  4. Alright, fair enough. You’re right, I’m editorializing your remarks on Rosebrough. I got hot when I saw at the end of this article that the jury is still out on Locke’s genuineness. While that’s not an endorsement, it’s more than his track record deserves. There are three headlines about him over on Protestia. I wish we could just ignore him.

    If I had to guess, he’s deleting those videos by the guidance of someone else. If he’s going to start cozying up with Benny Hinn, maybe they don’t want to platform someone so politically divisive. It’s a business transaction. Greg’s obviously an opportunist, so whatever makes his platform bigger, he’ll do it. It’s why he says Hollywood is full of demonic pedophiles, but still lets Netflix bring cameras into his church.

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