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David Jeremiah

David Jeremiah Hospitalized Over Unknown Virus

David Jeremiah is the pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in southern California. Jeremiah is most widely known for his dispensational preaching on endtimes eschatology. During a season in which Shadow Mountain is giving away David Jeremiah’s latest book The Great Disappearance to new members, Jeremiah’s disappeared from services the past few Sundays, a joke about the rapture that would be made by his son during the church’s announcement from September 10.

David Michael Jeremiah, David Jeremiah’s son, announced on September 10 that David Jeremiah was unable to walk on the preceding Monday and was taken to the hospital. Each church service had a slightly different announcement but the levity was a constant. David Jeremiah is suffering from a virus that attacked his spine. The church was assured that he did not have cancer or a stroke. David Jeremiah is in the hospital and doing better, but appears to have a road of recovery ahead with an unknown timetable. He was not on medication or antibiotics according to the announcement. 

No update was given in any of the services from September 17. What was noticeably absent in the announcement was whether David Jeremiah had regained partial or full mobility. Our prayers are with David Jeremiah.

David Jeremiah Announces Return

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7 Responses

  1. Love David Jeremiah, one of the good preachers left.
    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and heal him.

  2. We’re a little late hearing about this and are very sorry Dr Jeremiah is having to experience this. Truly a man of God for this time. Our prayers are certainly with you and your family. God bless you with recovery.

  3. I wish Dr David Jeremiah would consult Dr. Russel Blaylock, I believe his guidance is superb. God bless Dr D J.

  4. Keeping you in prayer for a full recovery Pastor

  5. Well wishes your way Pastor I pray you will be back with the flock soon who miss you and keeping you in 🙏 prayer 🙏

  6. You are and have been in my heart and my prayers please get well soon i listen to you in the morning going to work and coming home and before I go to sleep you are a very important part of my life I feel vey close to the LORD when i am listening to you Thank you for all you do for so many you are truly a GODLY man Sharon Taylor

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