Mike Cernovich is a prominent figure in the conservative media space. He went on a rant about Christianity being a feminine religion in comparison to Greco-Roman paganism.
Mike Cernovich believes himself to be an arbiter of masculinity despite his history of blowing trannies (see below). However, his assessment of Greco-Roman religions and Christianity is objectively incorrect. The Greco-Roman religion was heavily gynocratic, in comparison to based patriarchal Christianity.
Feminized Paganism
Women were integral participants in religious festivals that permeated the Greco-Roman religious calendar. These events, marked by processions, sacrifices, and rituals, provided a communal space for women to express their devotion and connect with the divine. Festivals such as the Thesmophoria, exclusive to women and dedicated to Demeter, allowed for collective worship and socialization among female worshippers.
The religious landscape featured women as priestesses in various temples and cults. These priestesses undertook essential duties, ranging from conducting rituals to caring for sacred objects and interpreting oracles. Cults venerating goddesses like Demeter and Hestia often had priestesses at their helm, exemplifying the significant role women played in the religious hierarchy.
Mystery cults, characterized by secretive rites and exclusive memberships, also witnessed the active involvement of women. The Eleusinian Mysteries, dedicated to Demeter and Persephone, stands as a prominent example, with both genders participating in the enigmatic ceremonies.
Women emerged as prominent figures in the realm of oracles, with the Oracle of Delphi serving as a notable example. The Pythia, a priestess in a trance-like state, delivered prophecies that influenced political and military decisions, showcasing the influential role women played in shaping the course of events through divine guidance.
At the domestic level, women often took the lead in maintaining household shrines and conducting rituals dedicated to household gods and goddesses, such as Hestia. This aspect of religious practice underscored the daily, personal engagement of women with the divine within the confines of their homes.
It is crucial to acknowledge that the roles of women in Greco-Roman religion were not universally standardized. Cultural variations across different city-states and historical periods contributed to a spectrum of women’s involvement, with some regions affording them more prominent roles than others.
In conclusion, the roles of women in Greco-Roman religion were intricate and diverse, spanning active participation in communal festivals, serving as priestesses, engaging in mystery cults, acting as oracles, and maintaining household religious practices. While women faced restrictions in certain contexts, their multifaceted involvement highlights the complex and evolving nature of religious practices in the ancient world.
Enter Based Patriarchy
So while the Roman religion proliferated temple prostitutes to Aphrodite, Christianity came along and would eventually put an end to it. Christianity would see the role of church leaders reserved for men, in sharp contrast to paganism. It would oppose abortion from the onset, a direct rebuke of what now is a core tenet of feminism. Through male headship, Christianity brought standardization to an otherwise chaotic religious landscape.
Mike Cernovich is either misinformed on history or his homoerotic experiences are clouding his judgment on what is and isn’t masculine.