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David Platt

David Platt Exposed: Former Members Of McLean Bible Church Documentary Trailer

The defeat of McLean Bible Church in court despite spending $1 million on a lawsuit is leading to a massive exposure of the corruption within David Platt’s organization and even the Southern Baptist Convention. Former members of MBC have released a trailer for an upcoming documentary “The Real David Platt.” The treasure trove of discovery is what the documentary will expose. The trailer seems to be produced in anticipation of a full review of the discovery evidence.

The documentary intends to expose David Platt, who preaches a prosperity gospel as a wealth-seeking hypocrite. The former MBC members make clear that David Platt is a false teacher.

One of the key wake-up calls for the former members of MBC is David Platt’s wokeness. Platt was preaching Critical Race Theory, an anti-White ideology, which ran him afoul with members of MBC who quickly caught on to the sinister nature of this teaching.

The issue of MBC’s affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention is a major issue, as the church’s constitution clearly prohibits it. But with this association comes also a massive exchange of funds.

Early this year, Evangelical Dark Web reported on New City Church Planting which appears to be where the documentary is going in documenting how MBC was planting woke churches to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Many are speculating that David Platt will leave MBC. David Platt purchased his home from MBC in November for $1.1 million.

The Real David Platt promises to deliver internal MBC documents that expose the corruption within not just David Platt’s inner circle but also that of the Southern Baptist Convention. It will also reveal the greed of David Platt.

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One Response

  1. Since December, nothing..
    Nothing Earth Shattering, noting at all.
    See, this scandalous Click Bait, no facts are needed, just make statements, plant seeds and then trail off onto another subject.
    Show the goods!!
    Or retract this topic.
    Cowardly agents, masquerading as Christians!!
    Jesus will deal with those who lay false claims against His servants.
    This, is Biblical!

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