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James Lindsay: Marxism Isn’t Truly Atheistic

2023 ended with one of the worst no true Scotsman fallacy that was made to obfuscate atheism’s contribution to Cultural Marxism. In this regard, James Lindsay made a career out of attacking Christians before he decided to grift Christians by fighting Marxism instead. Yet pointing out what Marxists say in their writings is a far cry from pointing out solutions to stop them, let alone providing adequate critiques.

This is half cope and half conspiratorial ramblings that are typical in the Michael O’Fallon camp. While Gnosticism is an original heresy in the church, James Lindsay is not using the word in the same way. James Lindsay labeled Reformers debating prelapsarian earth as Gnostic, even though the debate is hypothetical and completely within the bounds of orthodoxy.

It is this so-called logic that James Lindsay is trying to argue that all these Marxists were not actually atheists. He essentially sees them as ancient pagans.

While Christianity is not beyond subversion, something the New Testament makes clear and warns about, atheism has always tended to the extremities of liberalism. Liberalism is ultimately Lindsay’s solution to Marxism yet Marxism is merely a later stage in liberalism. After all, the success of the Progressives in the 16th-19th Amendments paved the way for the ideologues of the Frankfurt School to subvert America, perhaps irreversibly.

Take this data that shows that Jews and the religiously unaffiliated hold the most liberal views on gender, more specifically a major premise of transgenderism. James Lindsay, who falls under religiously unaffiliated, believes that gender is a spectrum and that believing that gender and sex are interchangeable terms is perhaps sexist and misogynistic. James Lindsay is woke on gender and sexuality. Yet his main point is trying to say that true atheism stands against Marxism because of how he redefines terms.

In reality, Christianity is the only bulwark against Cultural Marxism and its thrusts like Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, and Feminism. Specifically, White Evangelicals have held the line on this, not breaking. Stephen Wolfe called this a lone bulwark, and he’s right. This critical mass allowed other auxiliaries and even politicians to join the fight. But it’s because White Evangelicals made it a fight that the tide may indeed be turning against Cultural Marxism’s penetration into society. No amount of time on Reddit will change what the statistics consistently bear. 

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3 Responses

  1. Bad logic to try to defend atheism and his objectivist views, but there is some truth to the overall notion that Christians who are ignorant of scripture, have been somewhat responsible. Christians do indeed have more love and compassion than atheists. That is indeed a fact. But the church has failed to follow what God’s word says about charity and compassion. 1 Tim. 5, 2 Thess. 3, Duet 19, Prov. 17:15, etc. There are instances where we are told to NOT have compassion. There are instances where we are told to NOT be charitable. The prodigal has to wallow in the pigpen by himself. Sins of greed, envy, partiality, sloth, etc. have not been properly understood. And what many teachers and leaders have taught over the years is not what the Bible actually says about it. A lot of the reason for that being, of course, that they’re caught up in the red-team vs blue-team political fight, being played by both parties like a pawn-shop fiddle, focused not on what they should be for, but on the worser of perceived evil they stand against. Compound that repeated error over decades, and here we are …

    1. Also the sin of theft. Forcibly taking from someone else to give to others is not charity in the first place. It’s theft. Charity is giving what the Lord has given you. Not taking and giving away what the Lord has given someone else.

      Lindsay is an Ayn Rand sort of objectivist, railing against altruism. He believes logic alone can determine the absolute objective truth. Objectivists always trip over their own logic, and always resort to circular, self-referencing, fallacious reasoning. They can’t do otherwise, because there efforts are basically not a matter of referencing back to a concrete standard, but to try to create and determine a concrete standard on the fly. The result is just a different form of moral relativism.

    2. There are Christians who believe that socialism is charity and charity is socialism. That’s what many were taught, due to infiltration and subversion, ignorance, fear, and just plain lazy failure to pick up a Bible and read what it actually says.

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