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Mark Dice

The War on Conservatives by Mark Dice: Review and Analysis

Mark Dice is a media analyst who is known for posting pithy, succinct YouTube videos and occasional trolling from his channel with 1.86 million subscribers. For a major conservative channel, he is relatively reclusive but is an excellent voice in the movement and has long critiqued the liberal drift within Conservative Inc. His latest book, The War on Conservatives is a broader assessment of the Conservative Movement and the liberal drift of America that is palatable for the masses while being written in the sarcastic tone that Dice is known for, yet it remains both informative and thorough.

Overall, this book presents a compelling narrative surrounding the war that has been waged against conservatives by both liberals and the neoconservatives within the movement in its attempt to persuade the reader to embrace certain third-rail issues as a means of resistance to the liberal agenda.

Public Schools and Family

Dice crafts the earlier chapters in his book primarily by weaving together headlines to form a narrative, that individually, these headlines appear extreme but are more ubiquitous and dangerous as the liberal agenda has permeated throughout American society. The first chapter Public Schools details the aggressive gay creep into the public schools and the sexualization of the education system.

It’s nobody’s business what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom, they used to say, but now the queers won’t shut up about it and insist on sharing their lifestyle with children and demand they celebrate it with them. (Page 32)

Through his conversational delivery, Dice demonstrates how the gay agenda manipulated its way into every facet of society. He also remarked that previous generations would have torn down pride flags in classrooms, thus not requiring parental involvement at all and that society would “run such freaks out of town.”

The chapter on family discusses the decline in marriage and childrearing in America and various contributory factors like porn, abortion, and the masculinity crisis, of which the chapter offers poignant critiques of these subjects. The “relentless assault on intimate and committed relationships” is central to the liberal agenda of dismantling the nuclear family. Leading into that, he discusses how mothering children has been stigmatized and that women are no longer taught to cook in home economics classes.

Saying “women should know how to cook” shouldn’t even be a controversial statement. It’s like saying an accountant should know how to add. Of course, they should! There’s something wrong with them if they don’t. (Pg. 51)

Because no matter how much feminism pushes, people still believe in gender roles, which is the surrounding context for the above quote.

These “dating” apps have cheapened relationships, leading to others being treated as if they’re disposable. They’ve caused a hedonistic hookup culture and virtually ruined dating dynamics. (Pg. 56)

While Tinder ushered in the era of hookup culture, the disaster of dating apps was most caused by the gynocentric control that these apps operate under where even unattractive women have more options than average men. Dice comments that it is strange to ask a woman out in person, but this is also due to the changing societal stigma that feminism created, rendering the “cold approach” to be harassment and creepy. Moreover, the ideological divide between men and women is unaddressed in the book as Dice does not acknowledge that the 19th Amendment is responsible for most of the moral degradation discussed in his book.

America’s Collapse Inevitable?

During a chapter entitled, American Symbols and Holidays, Dice ends with an interesting reflection on the current state of America that elevates Dice to an intellectual than just a commentator.

Our national debt is economically unsustainable, the lack of patriotism and open resentment and hatred for the United States from many of our citizens is unprecedented. The floods of countless millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate into American culture and instead are only diluting it by importing their own are forever changing the social landscape. Many historians (and ordinary Americans) see the warning signs flashing that we may be in the late stages of an empire—one that appears to be approaching a complete collapse. (Pg. 102-103)

Dice argues that America as a nation is politically polarized beyond repair, that there is a Red America and a Blue America that are diametrically opposed on a cultural level. While this is a nod to the Great Replacement, this reflection was not expected from Dice who is seemingly an optimistic Trump supporter in his videos. The conclusion of the book echoes these sentiments and advocates a localistic and individualistic approach to fighting the culture war, believing that only red communities might be salvageable.

Christianity and Churches

A Christian review of The War on Conservatives would be improper without an analysis on the chapter devoted to the American church and the war on Christianity in America. Dice’s faith is somewhat undiscussed on his YouTube channel, but he does present a thorough understanding of the Bible in his work.

As Dice contends, the war on Christianity begins with the secularization of Christmas and Easter, which is mainly promulgated by Jews. Dice goes out of his way to distinguish between religious Jews and secular Jews, which he calls JINO’s (Jews In Name Only), contending that the latter is hostile towards Christians, unlike American Orthodox Jews. The Orthodox-JINO distinction might serve as a Trojan Horse to make acceptable conversations on subjects that are usually forbidden. For example, this was the framing used to allow discussions on creatures like George Soros, which previously had been deemed antisemitic. However, the Orthodox-JINO distinction means little because members of the “very ethnocentric religion” are “very sensitive to even the slightest criticism from non-Jews” (Pg. 135).

Dice mentions the rise of Zionism in the American right, something he later states is a principle of Neoconservatism. He specifically mentions that the Schofield Bible “turned many evangelicals into Zionists” (Pg. 133). He explains in detail the clear biblical case for Supersessionism while also giving a tonally academic gospel presentation that would accurately explain the gospel to nonbelieving readers. Some of the verses he used were referenced in his video on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In this chapter, Dice also lays out a basic case for why the tax-exempt status for American churches was the equivalent of selling out for thirty pieces of silver and used headlines to address the apostate woke church. While the moral cowardice of the church is multifaceted, the discussion on the Johnson Amendment is necessary, though it is worth noting that the US Senate failed to include its repeal in Trump’s tax cuts that the House included.

The Gay Agenda

Dice offers an excellent deep dive into the gay agenda that details major influences behind the ideology, like John Money, Harvey Milk, and Harry Hay. He details the progression of homosexuality in Hollywood and even children’s literature. What separates Dice’s analysis of the gay agenda that has become a social contagion is that he is willing to discuss the chemical elements that are potentially contributing factors. Dice discusses various endocrine disruptors that can affect both fetuses and adults. These include BPA, Astrazine, and even birth control.

Most consumers know that “BPA-Free” is a desirable trait on their plastic containers, but few understand the science behind why BPA is harmful to humans which this book makes digestible. Moreover, the church rarely mentions the chemical element of homosexuality which would be useful knowledge in an environment where there are disproportionately more pregnant and nursing mothers, along with other chemicals in the food that might be inhibiting testosterone or causing learning disorders.


Following the Immigration chapter, which explains the Great Replacement, Dice presents the war on conservatives as being intrinsically anti-white.

Many Latinos, Blacks, Jews, Native Americans, and guilt-ridden White Liberals cheer the news of White people being a minority in the United States, and anyone who dares to say they don’t want it to happen are branded a “White Nationalist” and a “Nazi.” (Pg. 224)

The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, but it is great that it is happening! Nevertheless, Dice would argue that White Identity, which he defines as “White people seeing themselves as a unique ethnic group with their own interest they want to protect or advance” (Pg. 244) is the inevitable and necessary consequence of the societal anti-whiteism, where every other group can have its collective interest except whites and discrimination by corporate America is celebrated against them.

Equating White Identity or White Collectivism with “White nationalism” and “White supremacy,” deceptively conflating them as if they’re the same. These increased attacks are causing a feedback loop which is only accelerating White people’s awakening and involvement in ethnic collectivism. (Pg. 245)

The Christian Nationalism debate is more political than theological, and really the divisions come down to a rejection of the Great Replacement or the presupposition that America is an idea and a nation suffering mass immigration would continue to be America. Too often, the Anti-Christian Nationalists deride CN as a white supremacy movement. There is a large overlap with the White Identity that Dice writes about since White Evangelicals are the lone bulwark of moral sanity left in America.

Dice would go on to argue that anti-white must become the framework to counter Critical Race Theory, as even words like racism bear connotations that white people are the perpetrators versus anti-white which more accurately frames the issue. He specifically goes after Christopher Rufo for opposing the realization of white identity.

In the end, politics is identitarian in nature and people have a mass tendency to vote with those similar to them, whether by race, religion, or status. Many in the church might oppose the idea of any Identity Politics, but a failure to acknowledge the reality that all politics is Identity Politics has been to our collective peril as a nation.


The final chapters deal with censorship and the cowardly conservatives that kicked the Paleoconservatives out of the movement, which is a chapter that names names while also confronting the liberal drift of Conservative Inc.

This book would be an ideal gift for the “boomer conservative” in your life who still watches Fox News. The language is digestible and the flow of the writing eases them into the greater ideas that the book conveys. Even where this analysis might quibble, like on the JINO discussion, the benefits of shifting the Overton Window far outweigh the disagreements. Overall, Dice’s book is an enjoyable read and he does not disappoint in what he brings to the table. The value of The War on Conservatives is that it can be the tool that awakens those who are asleep but still winnable.

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