Last September, Sovereign Nations put on a small conference opposing Christian Nationalism. At the time we covered Andy Woodard’s lecture against Christian Nationalism debunking several lies or inaccuracies that he posited. There was one item I commended Woodard for in the video, which I want to retract because the facts of Woodard’s claims simply are not accurate. But overall, Andy Woodard employs an interesting strategy of detente towards Mark Dever and 9Marks to get them in the fight against Christian Nationalism.
Correcting The Record
Andy Woodard said this of Mark Dever and 9 Marks.
You used to have very effective ministries, but then your friends introduced you to critical theorists, and that corrupted your entire organization, and your entire Ministry has now been been sucked down the drain into this insanity. It is not too late for you to repent, and I mean that including 9 Marks Ministries, Mark Dever, and your whole team. It is not too late to repent, and frankly, you could be quite helpful in standing against Christian authoritarianism, but unfortunately your entire ministry has been wrecked by this woke agenda.
To say that Mark Dever and 9Marks were “introduced” to Critical Race Theory is simply not accurate. They were one of the most prominent purveyors of CRT, and have been decidedly woke since 2014-2015, the time of the first round of Black Lives Matter riots. So to make the insinuation that Mark Dever, like Peter and the Judaizers, was going along with a false doctrine he does not believe is simply ungrounded. 9Marks has been a breeding ground for woke pastors for nearly a decade.
Mordor Calls For Aid
How exactly would 9Marks answering Woodard’s call for aid play out, and whom would benefit?
There are two predominant camps that are operating in Evangelicalism that oppose Christian Nationalism. The larger camp consists of the overt liberals like Skye Jethani, Russell Moore, Phil Vischer, and the people in the Rob Reiner documentary. The other camp consists of Michael O’Fallon and his disciples like Andy Woodard, Janet Mefferd, and G3 Ministries. Mark Dever and 9Marks given their woke history would sort of function as a bridge in the gap between two disparate camps with a common enemy.
To his credit, Woodard does call for Mark Dever to first repent of wokeness, but it is far more likely that 9Marks mobilizes against Christian Nationalism without first adhering to Woodard’s requests.
9Marks is surprisingly useful in fighting egalitarianism in the Southern Baptist Convention. But this is largely a Big Eva organization saving face, holding on to a vestige of orthodoxy. However, their wokeness makes them a complete liability for the side opposing Christian Nationalism.
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