Preston Sprinkle has been one of the premiere subject matter experts used by Big Eva, the shorthand for the Evangelical Industrial Complex, to undermine biblical sexuality and import a heresy known as Side B Theology into the church. Side B Theology teaches that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful. So while the sexual acts are maintained as sin, Side B Theology is partially gay affirming as opposed to aligned with the biblical sexual ethic. Two organizations embody this are the Revoice Conference, founded by Nate Collins, and the Center For Faith, Sexuality and Gender (CFF), founded by Preston Sprinkle. The overlap between these two organizations is incestuous which will be the case in an upcoming webinar.
Titled, “Why We Need LGBTQ/SSA Christian Leaders (and Where We Find Them)” this premise affirms both homosexual identity and attraction as compatible with not only Christianity but ministry in the church.
If you’re part of a church or Christian organization that holds a historically Christian understanding of marriage and sexual ethics, this doesn’t mean all your leaders need to be heterosexual. In fact, having leaders who experience attraction to the same sex or gender dysphoria—and who are open about both their experience and their commitment to following Jesus—can be a powerful way of fostering discipleship for your entire community. Why does this kind of leadership matter, and how do we find and elevate voices like these? We’ll talk in this webinar with Art Pereira, Director of Events and Partnerships at Revoice. Art also leads Revoice’s Reach Cohort, a program designed to develop and equip LGBTQ/SSA Christian leaders who are pursuing celibacy or mixed-orientation marriage.
Art Pereira is the presenter, and he has been a rising star in the Side B movement since 2021. He came to prominence with his Revoice panel where he tried to simulate marriage through an unhealthy friendship. He has since become a staffer at Revoice and is speaking at Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles In Babylon Conference.
Greg Coles is the host. Coles is one of Sprinkle’s right-hand men. Moreover, Don Carson, a founder of The Gospel Coalition, endorsed his book, Single Gay Christian.
Struggling with same-sex attraction and identifying as homosexual is a reproach that makes one unqualified to be a pastor, yet this webinar and by extension ministry seek to undermine biblical qualifications for ministry.
“Preston Sprinkle is clearly a heretic. Check out this free webinar from his ministry, titled, “Why We Need LGBTQ/SSA Christian Leaders.” It’s literally the opposite of what the Bible teaches. Imagine saying, “We need more pedophilic Christian Leaders,” or more, “envious Christian Leaders,” or “racist Christian Leaders,” or “sado masochistic Christian Leaders,” etc.” Jared Moore said in a statement. Moore is the author of The Lust of the Flesh.