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Ron DeSantis face

3 Reasons Why I Am Endorsing Ron DeSantis

For those who follow me closely, I have been open on social media and on livestreams that I support DeSantis over Trump. But in the interest of transparency I wanted to make it clear here. This represents my personal opinion and no one else on team Evangelical Dark Web, and this ministry will not be mobilized to support a candidate in the primary. However, there is no courage in waiting to endorse. The time to endorse is before the voting begins. So here are my reasons why I make this decision.


Immigration is the most important federal issue in America. President Donald Trump supported amnesty in a concession to get a wall. As a Congressman, Ron DeSantis opposed Donald Trump’s amnesty. Neither so-called Dreamers, nor anchor babies are US citizens, nor should any citizenship or residency be extended.

Moreover, Donald Trump failed to reverse the trend of the invasion at the southern border. The border was not militarized. He did not get the wall built. Both of these were achievable objectives while he was President. In contrast, Ron DeSantis has a track record of getting it done, and his positions on immigration are far more right wing than Trump’s.


Much of the talk online is about how diversity, equity, and inclusion are creating a competency crisis that will eventually make air travel unsafe. Yet under the Trump administration, there was a clear competency crisis in his staffing decisions. Nothing was more emblematic of this than when Covid arose and Trump handed the country over to Anthony Fauci, Debbie Birks, and Francis Collins. Under Trump’s administration, gain-of-function research somehow became legal again. And Trump allowed his inmates to run his asylum.

Trump locked the country down. He bragged about it. He attacked those who opened their states or refused to lock down. He gave Anthony Fauci a medal on his last day in office. He signed the CARES Act which destroyed the economy and has hurt my family economically and many of yours as well.

As a Christian, I am to forgive Trump for his sin against me, but I will not forget and I believe in a Nuremburg 2.0 in which Trump should be held accountable as well.

Donald Trump allowed the Secretary of Labor to sue him and didn’t fire him for insubordination on the citizenship question on the census. He didn’t fire Fauci, nor wanted to.

In contrast, Ron DeSantis is the most competent Republican executive I’ve seen in my lifetime. His staffing decisions are excellent, and people in his administration do not undermine him. They instead fall in line.


Donald Trump might have exacerbated an ongoing political realignment, but the Republican Party nationally is still in the precarious position it was in 2016. Indeed the Republican presidential nominee can win Florida and Ohio and still lose the Electoral College. The prospect of winning the 270 EC votes is as daunting now as in 2016.

Donald Trump failed to move the needle in the Republican Party’s favor in 8 years of being the standard bearer. Republicans suffered losses in every election since Trump won in 2016. Trump has backed the failed leadership of Ronna McDaniel, Kevin McCarthy, and others. He’s endorsed almost every major liberal in the Republican Party, and he failed to provide adequate support in 2022 for the candidates he endorsed. Even now I do not see a viable path for Trump to get to 270.

This isn’t about electability. Electability is about merely winning the next election. This is about terraforming American politics so that the Democrats cannot get elected. Ronald Reagan did this. Donald Trump did not. Ron DeSantis did this in Florida where the most right wing governance led to a massive reelection and a massive advantage for the Republican Party moving forward. We need that nationwide.

Trump underperforms with White voters. DeSantis does not. Trump underperforms with independents. DeSantis does not. Right now is the time to rip White voters from the Democrat Party that hates them, and the guy who defeated wokeness in Florida is best equipped to do it nationally.

Conservative Inc is under the impression that we terraform Americans by exposing the corrupt system. This is a lie. We terraform Americans by winning and imposing our values on them. DeSantis is the best option to make America more right wing.

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2 Responses

  1. I agree with that assessment. I voted for Trump three times and everyone knows there’s no way the powers that be will allow him to win. DeSantis has few negatives but little charisma which is part of the reason he’s down in the polls. Trump also is too old.

  2. Muh, I don’t personally believe that Christians should part take in voting, meaning casting a ballot in any democracy unless it is explicitly says in the begining of any Constitution that “Jesus is King therefore we must…”

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