The 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention is shaping up to be a massive showdown with a vacant presidency to be filled and the Mike Law Amendment ratification vote. An SBC insider informed Evangelical Dark Web that Clint Pressley would be nominated for SBC President to carry on the legacy of Bart Baber, and this has come to fruition as Clint Pressley announced to his church last week he would be running for president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pressley is the Senior Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Pressley announced that for years many have asked him to run for President and that now he’s finally agreed to do it. He also naively asserts that being the president of the Southern Baptist Convention will not change the day-to-day operations of his local church.
Pressley represents the liberal establishment of the SBC helmed by Kevin Ezell who is head of the North American Mission Board. Ezell has been a kingmaker for SBC presidents. Pressley is a notorious SBC insider who was slated to give the nomination speech for Willy Rice when he was going to be nominated for President prior to deacongate.
Woke Preacher Clips
This is what it looks like when you try to look like your being biblical and at the same time wanting to be seen saying what you think you should be seen saying.
— The Reformed Rant (@ReformedRant) November 7, 2023
In 2018, Clint Pressley defended hiring an illegal alien at his church and argued for amnesty.
A candidate for President of the nation's largest Protestant Denomination employed an illegal immigrant and argued for open borders in 2018. Much More:
— Capstone Report (@CapstoneReport) November 7, 2023
No candidates are announced against Pressley at this time.